Pumpkin Ravioli With Sage Butter Sauce

"My girlfriend Lauren LOVES this recipe so much that I simply HAD to add it to my ever-growing list of recipes! I saw this on "Everyday Italian" and just had to try it! I made a few adjustments for what was available at the nearby market, but overall, I think this came out amazingly!"
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Miss Genevieve photo by Miss Genevieve
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Kozmic Blues photo by Kozmic Blues
Ready In:




  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
  • Add fresh ravioli and cook for about 4 minutes or until the float to the top.
  • Remove ravioli from water with large slotted spoon or spider, and place in a large platter.
  • Cover with foil to keep warm while you prepare the sauce.
  • In a small saute pan, melt the stick of butter over low heat.
  • When butter just begins to sizzle and brown, tear the fresh sage leaves into the pan and fry for 20-30 seconds.
  • Remove butter sauce from the heat and grate in the nutmeg.
  • Pour butter sauce over the ravioli.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese and toasted hazel nuts (if using).
  • Grate the amaretti cookies over the dish and serve immediately.

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  1. I have made this recipe before for my DH and I, and we just absolutely loved it. I did have to make homemade ravioli due to not being able to find them in stores. The filling was a little hard to work with, but it paid off in the end. I would definately recommend this recipe to others; specially for romanic occasions. Thanks for posting! :)
  2. Wonderfully delicious but simple recipe! I didn't have the pumpkin or squash ravioli and was so hungry for this so I used regular pasta and added some canned pumpkin to the sauce. WOW! Absolutely a great recipe to impress any guest!
  3. This is a great, simple recipe which tastes like you spent hours cooking it. The hardest part is timing the ravioli to be boiled and hot at the same time as the butter and sage. Get fresh sage, and do use the nuts & amaretti cookies, they made a good difference!
  4. I am testing this recipe for Thanksgiving. Last year I attempted pumpkin gnocchi with sage sauce but they were too wet and needed much flour. Now I found a pumpkin rav maker at my farmer's market so I am hoping to have this for the holiday.<br/><br/>My results so far:<br/>-cut the butter to 5 tbsp<br/>-brown the butter<br/>-chiffonade the sage<br/>-I don't get the hazelnuts - I might try a bit of sauteed pine nuts in the butter<br/>-I will only use the cookies on the holiday, when everything is rich and sweet.
  5. I didnt have any ravioli and no time to make any; but the sauce sounded great, so i used some pasta i had in the pantry. It turned out great and i will definately make it again.


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