Potato & Chickpea Curry With Rice (Dutch Oven)
- Ready In:
- 1hr 30mins
- Ingredients:
- 9
- Serves:
- 3 cups jasmine rice
- 3 cups low sodium vegetable broth, divided
- 3 large russet potatoes, cut into 1/2 inch cubes (6 cups)
- 3 (15 ounce) cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained
- 3 (14 1/2 ounce) cans diced tomatoes, drained
- 1 medium onion, diced (1 cup)
- 9 garlic cloves, chopped (3 Tbsp)
- 3 tablespoons curry powder
- 3 cups baby spinach leaves, roughly chopped (tightly packed)
- Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Generously spray inside of 5 1/2 or 6-quart Dutch oven with cooking spray.
- Stir together rice and 2 1/4 cups broth in pot. Top with potatoes, season with salt and pepper, then add chickpeas.
- Combine tomatoes, onion, garlic, curry powder, and remaining 3/4 cup broth in bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Spread tomato mixture over chickpeas, then top with spinach.
- Cover pot, and bake 53 minutes, or about 3 minutes after aroma wafts from oven.
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Well, I followed the recipe to a "T" and it came out dry and the potatoes were undercooked. I was hoping it would be saucier. I ended up adding another cup of broth and stuck it back in the oven for an additional 30 minutes. The flavors were good, I just needed to tweak it to create the type of curry I wanted.
This was a really easy recipe. I usually like my rice on the side, but it was nice to have everything cooked quickly in one dish. I made a third of the recipe and slightly upped the potatoes, onions and spinach. Because of how much the spinach cooks down I could have used more spinach I think. Even with a third of the recipe there's more than enough food for 4 people. The seasoning is nice and simple, though the quality definitely depends on the quality of the curry powder used. Thanks for a tasty, easy lunch.
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Update: We've moved back to the states, and are experiencing the joys of living in Wenatchee, WA for the first time! I'm spending most of my time in the kitchen canning, freezing, and drying fruit now and loving it!
We are a couple, Jason and Mollie, that loves to cook together. We have two wonderful DD's, Enjoli (9) and Emily (7) that make life so much more fun! I, Mollie, studied Nutrition so I try to make most of our meals healthy while still tasting great! Our girls love helping us cook...and eat! We're vegetarian and love eating healthy without missing any flavor! We try to eat mostly vegan, so we have many vegan recipes posted. We are world traveling missionaries and students that have visited many countries and have lived in the States, South Korea, and are currently in the Philippines. So we always need to adjust our menu based on the food available. Zaar has been a tremendous help!
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