Potato and Carrot Salsa

"Adapted from Secrets of Salsa: A Bilingual Cookbook by the Mexican women of Anderson Valley, recipe by María Elena Plancarte. This hearty salsa has the earthy undertones of oregano, yet the tang of freshly squeezed orange juice. It is a superb accompaniment for any meat dish, as well as enchiladas and tostadas."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
3 1/2 cups (approximately)




  • Wash and peel the carrots and potatoes. Cook separately in boiling water until tender. Dice and put into a bowl; set aside. In blender, liquify tomatoes, oregano jalapeños, and salt. Add to carrot and potato mixture along with the orange juice.

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  1. No bad, but missing something, I think the texture was too smooth, and too much oregano for my family's tastes and we are big on oregano lol! but thank you for posting Ev!...Kitten


<style>body { background: url("http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3639/3512121819_f2f1aaf050.jpg?v=0"); background-repeat: repeat-y; }</style> OK, here goes. I live in Athens, Greece. I moved out here many, many years ago from Ottawa, Canada - so I am blessed in having two wonderful heritages! I suffer from compulsive obsessive behaviour with regard to food and my psychiatrist thought it would be a good idea to find a 'society' where many have the same problem and try to find a cure. So far, I've copied a couple of thousand recipes from this site and my psychiatrist has thrown the towel in and refuses to answer the phone when I call. What did I do wrong? Got 3 kids that keep me on the go - 10 and under at this point (2008) - I may not get round to updating this for a few years, so you'll have to do your own maths. I teach English full-time and Greek Cookery part-time. I would like to make the cooking part of it full-time and the English Grammar part of it part-time. That's all for now.
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