Poached Apples in Calvados

"From *The Carnival Experience* by Peter Leypold ( Exec Chef of Carnival Cruise Lines), here's another French recipe using the humble apple to create an amazingly low-cal & low-fat, but elegant finish for an otherwise heavy meal. My sweet-tooth DH would want a scoop of vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt w/this, so feel free to indulge that request as desired. (Times have been estimated) *Enjoy* !"
photo by French Tart photo by French Tart
photo by French Tart
Ready In:
6 Poached Apples




  • Remove core from apples & peel if desired (I would prefer them unpeeled).
  • Combine water, Calvados, sugar + cinnamon stick in med saucepan & heat till sugar is dissolved.
  • Add apples & cook over low-heat till apples are tender (about 25 min) & spoon liquid over apples occ. Carefully remove apples w/a slotted spoon, allow excess liquid to drain & place on individual serving plates.
  • Cont cooking liquid till reduced by half, spoon over apples, sprinkle w/almonds & serve immediately.

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  1. TOTALLY off the scale and divine! Not hard to achieve as I am a REAL Calvados lover, and this recipe was SO easy and yet the results were sophisticated and elegant! A confession, to achieve full apple blast off, and because I had half a bottle in the fridge, I poached these apples in CIDER and calvados!! Everything else was as posted, with the small exception of almonds - went to the cupboard and it was bare of almonds.......oh well, I garnished the apples with low fat cream (!!) and a cinnamon stick. Made for Holiday and Prop it Up - merci darlink! A KEEPER for me! FT:-)


I am an American transplanted from Dallas to Iceland by marriage to a native Icelander & I retired to become his "Kitchen Queen". We love to entertain our family & friends, so I have an eclectic collection of recipes. I especially love simple, easy-fix, flexible & make-ahead recipes - BUT also like challenging myself on occasion. I enjoy baking & food photography. I am devoted to the "More is Always Better Principle" & apply it liberally to bacon, butter & garlic. I can have ingredient issues due to availability here in Iceland & my DH is medically diet-restricted from some ingredients as well. Either situation might require me to modify a recipe, but I will do my best to be true to your recipes & fair/honest in my reviews. Mary Pat (aka twissis)
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