Pirate's Plum Pudding

"This recipe has been in my family since as long as I can remember. We have it every year for Christmas Dinner. The original recipe comes from the Welsh side of my family. It's a very black plum pudding in the oldest tradition. It has everything but the kitchen sink in it, as well as a lot of rum. It's rumoured there are pirates in the Welsh side of my ancestry, which might explain the rum. Start the puddings about 2 weeks before Christmas as it needs to age and mellow. Some people say you should start your pudding 3 months before, but I think that's a bit extreme. It makes two puddings, one for Christmas and one for New Years' Day. -- Yo, ho, ho, and a Merry Christmas!"
photo by BusyElf98005 photo by BusyElf98005
photo by BusyElf98005
photo by BusyElf98005 photo by BusyElf98005
Ready In:




  • The night before stirring up the pudding, combine the candied fruit, nuts, raisins, currants, dates, dates/dried fruits, lemon peel and orange peel.
  • Pour 1/2 cup rum over the top of the mixture. Cover and let it soak overnight.
  • Add apple, carrot, beef suet, flour, bread crumbs, brown sugar, soda, cinnamon, mace, cardamom, and allspice.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Whisk together the eggs, fruit juice and 1/4 cup rum in a small bowl. Pour over the fruit/flour mixture, and mix lightly until all ingredients are moistened.
  • Spoon into two buttered pudding molds. Cover top of each pudding with buttered foil.
  • Cover top of each pudding mold with a cloth dish towel. Tie the cloth tightly to the top using a loop of kitchen twine.
  • Place puddings in steamers and steam for 6 hours.
  • Remove from steamers and store in a cool place until Christmas Day or New Years' Day.
  • Return the pudding to the steamer and steam for 2 hours more.
  • To make hard sauce, combined butter, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and 2 tablespoons rum to make a thick paste. Chill 1 hour.
  • Form the hard sauce into a two balls (one for each pudding) and wrap in waxed paper and store in refrigerator until ready to serve the pudding.
  • To serve the pudding, place the hard sauce ball on the pudding, and stick the holly sprig through it to anchor it to the top of the pudding.
  • Pour warm 2 tbsp rum over the pudding, and touch the surface with a lighted match to flame the pudding. Carry it flaming to the table while everyone cheers.

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I have six little brothers and two little sister, so I learned to cook for them when I was very young
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