Pioneer Drumsticks (Meatloaf on a Stick)
- Ready In:
- 20mins
- Ingredients:
- 11
- Yields:
4 1/4-lb
- Serves:
- 4
The Meat
- 1 lb hamburger
- 1 medium onion, finely chopped
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
- 1 cup saltine, crushed (very fine)
- basil, oregano, thyme (to taste)
- garlic (crushed, minced, to taste)
The Deal
- 4 hot dogs or 4 brat buns
- mustard (optional)
- ketchup (optional)
- barbecue sauce (optional)
- pickles (optional) or relish (optional)
- Mix "the meat" ingredients in a large bowl (or mixer); do NOT overmix.
- Pack meat mixture into a zipper bag and freeze OR chill the day before leaving on a camping trip. If frozen, plan to use it the second day out--giving it time to thaw while you're out-n-about doing other things! (Critter-proof thawing location, please.).
- One hour before serving, have children locate & legally obtain green sticks as large in diameter as their (or your) little finger.
- Just before serving time: have children WASH THEIR HANDS---this is crucial!
- At serving time: each child grabs out one handful of meat and presses it around the stick. You must NOT wiggle the stick or the meat will drop off.
- Carefully wedge the stick over the fire (not the flames!) to roast in the heat -- OR if you have a grill -- lay the sticks on a foil covered grill.
- Figure about 5-10 minutes for roasting time, turning several times to get all sides nice-n-brown.
- To eat: hold an opened bun in your left hand, the stick with meat in your right. Lay the meat in the bun, close your left hand/bun, and pull the stick out of the meat. Decorate with pickle eyes and mustard nose and ketchup smile. And now eat. :-).
- OPTIONAL: Use your own favorite meatloaf recipe (that's what I do); change the seasonings to suit your tastes. Give it a taco spin with some cumin and chili powder. Add some ketchup (not too much to be watery, then the meat won't stick to stick!) or mustard. If the meat is "thin" -- try adding more crackers, to sop up the liquid.
- MOST OF ALL: have fun telling pioneer stories. Look at the stars, name the constellations. Listen to the birds.
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<p><img src= alt=/ /> <>< wife & mother of seven (four adopted foster children grown up now & three biologicals)--my baby(!!!) is a 12th grader! ... plus five grandkids (ages 5 - 21 y.o.); been married 34 years now to the *same wonderful <>< man.* .....</p>
<p>Love cooking and being the happy little home-maker. .....</p>
<p>Enjoy writing my own blogs and maintaining their FB pages:</p>
<p>Blog, Facebook, Pinterest: (Twitter handle @Titus2Friends )<br />Blog, Facebook, Pinterest: (Twitter handle @NatureLessons ) </p>
<p>Pinterest: <a href=></a> </p>
<p>Instagram: <a href=></a></p>
<p>..... as well as quilting, writing, flower-gardening, and home-organizing, ...and very active in our <>< church, Bible study, teaching, and singing alto in choir. Plan to get back to writing and earning money at it! AND I work as a virtual assistant--check out for more info on VA-ing.</p>
<p><<<<<***God is good!***>>>>><br /> <br /><strong><em>. . . C O N T E S T S . . . </em></strong><br /> <br />My little Rosebud Cottage was a winner in the Basic Category in the 2009 Gingerbread House-Making Contest. </p>
<p>. </p>
<p>. <br /><strong>B A R B E C U E ... S A U C E</strong></p>
<p>I entered my mother-in-law's excellent recipe in the contest (Recipe #241146) and won the Family Friendly category! <br /><img src= alt=/ /></p>
<p><br /><span>. . . E V E N T S . . . </span><br /> <br /><strong>Z A A R . . W O R L D . . . T O U R</strong></p>
<p><img src= alt=/ /></p>
<p>My gastronomically GROOVIN' team mates are the lovely and talented Team Captain: CraftScout #463202, our equally talented & hip CookBook Guru (staying in the 70's mode) JackieOhNo! #386585, and a slew of Gnome-warriors including Gandalf The White #167236, Az G 946146, kellychris #416985, luvcook'n #308434, Axe #310749, NELady #743849, and sarahubasics #744296 <br /> <br />WE TOOK 5TH PLACE (no thanks to me---I was along for the ride, but unfortunately didn't get to participate very much--with an emergency trip to Montana!)!!!! <br /><img src= alt=/ /> <br />My fellow hagsters included AmandaInOz, <br />CaliforniaJan, DreamoBway (Christina), JanuaryBride (Jen), JCC (Janice), jkoch960 (also Janice!), megnbrycesmom (Holly), Queenofcamping (Karen), and our lovely team captain Leggy Peggy. <br /> <br />My floozeriffic Fantabulous Friendly Foodie Floozy team-mates included captain Chef #28729 (Iowa), Chef #37036 (Texas), Chef #37449 (No. Carolina), Chef #107135 (Nebraska), Tina Chef #222055, Chef #337668 (Colorado), Chef #448342 (Colorado), Chef #306797 (Australia), and Leanne Chef #416807 (Canada). ...June/July 2007 <br /> <br /><strong>. . . M Y . . T H R E E . . C H E F S . . . </strong><br /> <br />2009 (November) <img src= alt=/ />My themes were Rise-n-Shine Breakfast and Autumn Suppers OAMC <br /> <br />2008 (Summer) <img src= alt=/ /> My themes were Ruh! Ruh! Rhubarb! and Sparrow Guts! and Quick Fix: Pizza For Lunch! <br /> <br />2007 (June) <br />My themes were <br />*Picnic & Lunch Box Snacks* <br />*Canning Up Summer's Bounty* <br /> <br /><strong>. . . P I C K - A - C H E F . . . </strong><br /> <br />PAC Autumn '09 <br /><img src= alt=/ /><img src= alt=/ /> <br />My children were Chef #1273716 and chef #321816; my mother was Chef #226863. <br /> <br />PAC Spring '09.... <br /><img src= alt=/ /><img src= alt=/ /> <br />I adopted Chef #176481 and Chef #892963. I then had a late-in-PAC baby named Chef #619505.... And I was adopted by Mom2Rose!!! <br /> <br />PAC Autumn '08 ... <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />My small family included Chef #434123; and then I got myself adopted by Chef #361931(my sheep-mother, NOT my step mother!). :rofl: <br /> <br />PAC Spring '08 ... <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />My children Chef #797028, Chef #532407, Chef #28177, Chef #510821, Chef #356933 & Chef #429493 and from the preemie nursery I picked up Chef #488944 and Chef #665370. Charlotte J was my little mother! <br /> <br />PAC Autumn '07 ... <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /> My children were Chef #179488 from KY, Chef #207616 from NC, Chef #38901 from TX...and from the newborn nursery Chef #351525 and Chef #21667, and my littlest one is Chef #469264 all the way from the Philippines! And I was adopted by Chef #451700 over in Norway! She took the MOST beautiful pictures of my recipes!!! <br /> <br />PAC Spring '07 . . . <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /> My children included Chef #396078, Chef #402846, Chef #37593, Chef #122993, Chef #48439 from the Newborn Nursery, Chef #321820, Chef #59476, Chef #293042, Chef #236959, and Chef #196248. ... I was adopted by Chef #186802 <br /><br /> <br /></p>