
"All purpose pesto sauce"
photo by Sandi From CA photo by Sandi From CA
photo by Sandi From CA
photo by Sandi From CA photo by Sandi From CA
photo by Sandi From CA photo by Sandi From CA
photo by DogAndCatDoc photo by DogAndCatDoc
Ready In:
1 jar




  • Lightly toast pine nuts.
  • In a food processor (or with a pestle and mortar), mix the basil, garlic, pine nuts and cheese into a paste.
  • Add oil and blend to a smooth paste.
  • Keep in an airtight jar in the fridge.

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  1. This was so good, I've been wanting to make a good pesto sauce for awhile. I made it with recipe #21882 (Chicken Pesto). I will definately keep it and use it in the future for other things.. One of my favs w/pesto is chicken pesto pizza w/feta cheese.. yumm..
  2. While I consider ways to mainline this in order to get it into my system faster than through the typical oral avenue, allow me to sing its praises in harmony! We have 4 kinds of basil growing in our garden at the moment; Italian Sweet, Purple Ruffle, Magical Michael and Ararat. It is the latter that I used for this pesto and the first time using this variety at all. This is a dark green and purple variety, very similar to classic sweet basil in flavor, but with vague hints of licorice and clove. In any event, combined with the other ingredients, it made a lovely pesto. I processed all ingredients except the parmesan in my Magic Bullet, then blended in the cheese. I then froze portions in an ice cube tray for individual use. Just pop one or two frozen cubes (in my case, frozen hearts) in the microwave until soft, then mix in with your favorite pasta. Doesn't get any easier than that! :) For our garlic-loving taste buds, 2 cloves made it VERY garlicky. Thank you for posting, Samuel, it's delicious!
  3. Perfect recipe; exactly what I was expecting. Thank you! I mistakenly used a blender instead of a food processor but it worked fine once I got it going. I also used Himalayan salt for the salt ingredient, which was divine.
  4. I used this recipe as my base recipe as it was simple with some great flavours. However i swapped the pine nuts with almonds and i added a little less oil because i wanted more of a thick paste. Thanks for posting this recipe it was great!!!
  5. This was very easy to make and delicious! DH likes it so much he eats it on crackers, bread, or whatever we have here! I had to halve the recipe because I bought on basil plant at the store and it only ended up being 1 c of leaves pressed down.... I will have to make sure I buy more nex time!


  1. Good basic pesto; I substituted pine nuts with walnuts and I think it still came out pretty good.


Well...I'm 21 Y/o, I was raised in Ibiza, but born in england! I'll eat anything twice and love trying new and unusual things... things with a high "ick" factor tend to put me off, but on recomendation I will try them. You can contact me by e-mail or through MSN messanger using (the 69's are because Ymmas by itself was already taken...dont be so dirty minded *LOL*)
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