Community Pick
Perfect No Fail Basmati Rice

photo by run for your life

- Ready In:
- 11mins
- Ingredients:
- 2
- Serves:
- 1 cup basmati rice
- 1 1⁄4 cups water
- Rinse rice till water runs clear, drain well.
- In saucepan place water and rice, cover and cook over low-med flame till water looks evaporated and steam holes appear.
- Turn of flame -- DO NOT LIFT LID!
- Leave for 5 minutes then fluff with a fork -- your result will be perfecly cooked rice.
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<br>The picture you can see is my Daughter's guinea pig Missy...ain't she cute!!
<br>I can?t think of anything more relaxing than drooling over cookbooks..... I love 'em all; well the ones with pictures are at the top of my list. I have a huge collection of fundraiser type cookbooks from schools and country towns from all around Australia. These books contain many tried and true old-fashioned family favourites.
<br>Please note all recipes that I post are using Australian Standard measurements
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