Perfect Microwaved Scrambled Eggs and Cheese for One.

"Scrambling eggs in the microwave is a one dish affair. No muss, no fuss. These come out perfectly and taste delicious. Found this in an issue of Everyday Food. Microwave cooking times vary and mine actually needs 55 seconds at each step instead of the 45 seconds listed. Don't add extra salt until you've tasted it."
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
photo by lazyme
photo by Outta Here photo by Outta Here
photo by NorthwestGal photo by NorthwestGal
photo by I'mPat photo by I'mPat
photo by Tea Jenny photo by Tea Jenny
Ready In:




  • In a large (10oz) microwave-safe custard cup or ramekin, combine eggs, milk, cayenne pepper, and salt. Stir in scallion.
  • Microwave (uncovered) on high for 45 seconds; stir with a fork. Continue cooking until eggs are almost set, about 45 seconds more. Remove from microwave.
  • With a clean fork, stir in cheese; cover with a paper towel. Let stand until cheese has melted and eggs are set, about 1 minute. Top with tomato and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This was a great recipe! It came in handy recently for us because we were staying at a hotel for 3 weeks and we didn't have a cook top, only a microwave and we didn't want to eat out everyday. I added cooked potato pieces and sausage and different seasoning.
  2. I dont know if I made it right or if it's because of altitude but my eggs has like a juice at the bottom that was really gross
  3. Great fast way to make scrambled eggs. I'll make these often. Thanks for sharing this nice keeper. Made for Spring PAC 2014.
  4. Great recipe for when you are pressed for time. I skipped the tomatoes, though. Will be maiking this often. Made for Spring 2014 PAC.
  5. Not only were these easy and oh so quick (scrambled eggs in less than 2 minutes!), but they were tasty scrambled eggs. The scallions and tomatoes really added a lot of flavor. Thanks for posting your recipe, Redbelly. Made for the Spring 2014 Pick-A-Chef event.


  1. When my stovetop and oven went on the fritz, I tried this microwaved version for my vegetarian family. What a great alternative! Following the suggestions of another reviewer, I opted to substitute feta for the cheddar and to add the rosemary. Really very gourmet! Thanks so much to you both for helping me out in a pinch!



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