Papier Mache'

"I got this recipe from FamilyFun magazine and have used it on numerous craft products. The texture is so smooth, totally non-toxic, and not sticky like other papier mache recipes."
photo by roseplummer photo by roseplummer
photo by roseplummer
photo by roseplummer photo by roseplummer
Ready In:
4 cups




  • Combine flour and cold water in bowl.
  • Add this mixture to 2 cups boiling water in saucepan.
  • Bring to a boil again.
  • Remove from heat and stir in sugar.
  • Let cool.
  • Will thicken as it cools.
  • Once it thickens and cools it is ready to use.
  • Dip newspaper strips in papier mache and take off excess.
  • Allow to dry several hours, till stiff.

Questions & Replies

  1. What is the purpose of the 3 teaspoons of sugar. And , I usually add some salt to my mixture to stop mold. Can I still add the salt to this mixture ?
  2. How important is sugar, because I eat Keto and completely removed it from my house over a year ago and don't want to buy any just for this. Thank you, Diana Gordon
  3. I cant eat food, what do I do


  1. Perfect!! used it for A mask project my son was doing. Turned out great! tx bunches
  2. Great one to know about! And only 93 calories, LOL.
  3. great recipes have a couple of times very calming great way to relax
  4. This worked very well. I really enjoyed useing this recipe. The warm paste was also theraputic if you have joint problems.
  5. This is te best paper mache recipe I have used so far. My DD and I used it last night to make pinatas and it was so smooth yet thick all at the same time. This will be the one I use from now on.:)


(As many of you know Silent Cricket passed away on Feb. 29. Since she loved Recipezaar so much and so many on Recipezaar have shown their love for her, and have enjoyed her recipes, her personal information will remain here indefinitely just as she wrote it. Her lines at the end of this section sound somewhat prophetic as the last chapter of her earthly existence has been written.) Well, the time has come for me to change my users' name. After being, "OzCoMartha" because of having lived for three years in Australia and then moving to Colorado, I have decided to "turn over a new leaf." I chose this name because many moons ago I used to be able to "chirp" like a cricket and the "silent" refers to the present time when I'm taking a break...But, perhaps after a season, however long I decide that needs to be, I may be back and then I will fill in more details about myself...
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