Oriental Chicken Noodle Soup

"Quick and Easy!!"
photo by slickchick photo by slickchick
photo by slickchick
photo by Cookin-jo photo by Cookin-jo
photo by Cookin-jo photo by Cookin-jo
photo by ChefLee photo by ChefLee
Ready In:




  • Combine stock, water and chicken in large Dutch oven.
  • Bring to boil and boil, uncovered, until chicken is tender.
  • Remove chicken from pot, chop finely.
  • Cut celery and carrot into thin strips, stir into pot, bring to boil, boil uncovered until veggies are just soft.
  • Stir in noodles, bring back to boil and boil uncovered for a further 2 minutes.
  • Stir in chicken, soy sauce and onion, stir over heat until chicken is heated through.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Derf,I reall liked this soup,it was not a heavy overpwering soup,very light and tasty,I was out of egg noodles,and so I used fetticini noodles broke up in 2 inch pieces,it was VERY good. Thank You for this recipe,Darlene
  2. I stole a recipe like this one out of Mum's collection of magazine cut-out recipes, then I lost it! It was a regular meal at our house growing up, so needless to say Mum was not happy. However now that I've found this I can maybe redeem myself! It's almost the same and just as delicious! A big thankyou Derf for posting this little beauty!
  3. We LOVED this soup. Sooooo much flavor for not many ingredients. The only thing I didn't have was the celery. Did add 2 cloves minced garlic to step 2, I love garlic :) Will certainly be making this a lot.
  4. Excellent soup, I use b/s thighs, added 6 cloves of garlic and it was very good. Also, as I freeze most of it I omit the noodles until just the amount of time needed upon reheating to cook them so they aren't mushy.
  5. I thought this was great and quite subtle as a soup. It had simple ingredients so you didn't need to search for fancy expensive Chinese spices and was kid-friendly. A great recipe!


<p>November 4th, 2013: &nbsp;Our community lost a wonderful friend when Dorothy passed away on October 24th, 2013. &nbsp;We are shocked and saddened by her passing and there is a thread for expressing your condolences.</p> <p>Mary at Food.com</p> <p><a href=http://www.food.com/bb/viewtopic.zsp?t=398284>http://www.food.com/bb/viewtopic.zsp?t=398284</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>********************************************************************</p> <p>I live in the sunny okanogan valley - I am a retired Resort Services Director, love collecting receipes and cooking but am a diabetic so some times i can only collect&nbsp;</p> <p>Love traveling, own a timeshare, went to Portugal in the year 2000, this picture was taken there, so it's 9 years old, but the only decent one I have, I am not photogenic and hate having my picture taken!! <br />I've been enjoying lushious recipes from 'zaar for 9 years now, since January 2001. <br /><img src=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/DUCHESS13/Animation1.gif alt=Image hosted by Photobucket.com /> <img src=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/DUCHESS13/berriesblinkie.gif alt=Image hosted by Photobucket.com /><img src=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/DUCHESS13/4treasurehunt.gif alt=Image hosted by Photobucket.com /> <br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/purplechefhat.gif alt=Image hosted by Photobucket.com /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/chef3.jpg alt=Image hosted by Photobucket.com /> <br /><br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/FinishedJollyRoger_1.jpg border=0 alt=Image hosting by Photobucket.com /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/dragonspearls_1.jpg border=0 alt=Image hosting by Photobucket /><img src=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/DUCHESS13/FFF/completedbanner.gif alt= /> <br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/untitled.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting /> <img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/200_artistrichardneuman-art-prints_.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/pacbanner.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/200_PACpic.jpg border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/TasteofYellow.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Octoberevent.jpg alt= /><img src=http://www.recipezaar.com/members/home/1535/cheesesticker.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/personal/FRENCH-foodfun.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/EditBeforeandAfterSTICKER.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e347/Saturn6666/Banners/Photo_Video_577111733_orig.jpg alt= /><img src=http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/484938/Spelling-Bee-stick2jpg.jpg alt= /><img src=http://www.recipezaar.com/members/home/1956/holidaylightssticker.jpg alt= /><img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v204/derf16/food%20photography%20series/Comfortstickercopysmall.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/Other/photo-swap-7sticky.jpg alt= /><img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v204/derf16/food%20photography%20series/MuffinLovesticker.jpg alt= /><img src=http://www.recipezaar.com/members/home/1956/L%5B1%5D.F-stickJPEG.jpg alt= /><img src=http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/484938/MayFlowerssticker.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/TasteofYellowSTICKER.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/BBQlSTKR.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/CobblerPieTartSTICKER.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/CROCKPOTSTKR.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/FISHSEAFDSTICKER.jpg alt= /> <br /><br /><img src=http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j166/ZaarNicksMom/CookingSchoolHost1.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/Other/BeyondburgersST.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/carolinamoon21/Ingredients/Other/Elves-appreciationSTICKER.jpg alt= /></p>
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