One Minute Flax Muffin - Low Carb

"Got this recipe from a message board for low carb'ers and wanted it here for my reference. Sadly, I don't know who the originator of this recipe is. This is quick easy, healthy, very low carb and high fiber. Works great as a sweet muffin as well as savory muffin (just omit the sweetener - goes well with soups). Original called for one packet of splenda as a sweetener. I only use stevia. Add in options; fruits, nuts, flavored sweeteners/syrups, cheese, bits of ham, vegetables or spices ... get creative and enjoy!"
photo by A Marsteller photo by A Marsteller
photo by A Marsteller
photo by Dimpi photo by Dimpi
photo by Martha_clift photo by Martha_clift
photo by Carlos Q. photo by Carlos Q.
photo by Jason F. photo by Jason F.
Ready In:
1 muffin




  • Mix all ingredients in a coffee mug.
  • Micorowave for one minute on high.
  • If using frozen berries, microwave for 1:30 on high.
  • Smooth on some butter and enjoy!
  • It will be moist at first, but as the muffin cools it goes away.

Questions & Replies

  1. Can we have the nutrients for this recipe? Thank You.
  2. savory
  3. Can you use regular sugar?
  4. Can I use almond meal instead of flax seed meal?
  5. Can these be frozen? Thanks


  1. WOW! Now I can have a muffin in any flavor I want in just a few minutes. No big batch to tempt me. This recipe seems very versatile. This is a cross between a muffin and a bowl of healthy cereal. I melted l teaspoon of coconut oil in the cup for 30 seconds in the microwave, 10 seconds at a time on low until melted. Then I added the flax seed meal, the baking powder, 1 package of Sweetleaf Stevia sweetener, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, l egg, 2 dashes of dried orange peel, and 2 teaspoons of frozen blueberries. Stir well and cook as directed. Next time I will add a few chopped walnuts and raisins. Maybe some chopped apples or strawberries. YUM. Thank you EasternCook. UPDATE = This is my new favorite recipe. I just added 2 cut up dried apricots to the cup and mixed it up, and it was wonderful. Next time I will try to use egg replacer or 2 egg whites for the egg. UPDATE #2 I have found that stirring all the dry ingredients first works out better because otherwise the baking powder has a tendency to clump. Stir the dry ingredients well, then add the egg and oil (even the coconut oil mixes in pretty well this way). Stir again. Add fruit and cook. I have used raisins with good success, but don't like nuts in this. My family says this is prison food, but I love it, and it fills me up!
  2. This is an extremely flexible and adaptable recipe. You can add nuts or fruit to the muffin for some variety. It's quick, it's very forgiving and you can experiment with new things without ruining a whole recipe. I have one almost every day and it's so fresh and tasty.<br/><br/>I've recently taken to making pizza crust with it. Take out the sweetener, add 2T of grated Parmesan, some oregano, pepper, and a tablespoon or 3 of water to make to make it a touch thinner. You spread it out on some parchment, microwave it for 30-45 seconds, add the toppings and toss it in the oven for 10 min and viola! Low-carb personal sized pizza! Takes all of 5 min.
  3. This recipe has been a God send for this diabetic, I love it and make it every day now, My blood surar is really improving and I can even eat things that I couldn't before. I use the real cinnamon from Ceylon and splenda and sodium free baking powder , I don't use any shortening most of the time. I found that I could use 1/2 cup of the flaxmeal with one egg and added water.<br/>I double the baking powder and cinnamon and shortening when I use it. I cook it in a round microwave safe glass bowl that is about 4 inches in diameter and about 3 inches high and cook it for 3 minutes. I let it cool a bit and then turn it on its edge and slice it into about 5 slices, Great for toast and sandwiches.
  4. I thought I reviewed this, but I think someone else got credit. Love this recipe. I use GOLDEN flax meal as it is milder tasting and nutty. I use a 4" ramekin and dump the bread out on it's side on a cooling rack to mark it for cutting even slices. I have done both savory and sweet and like both. I use the savory more often and usually add a pinch of garlic salt and some italian seasoning mix. Delicious! I am eternally grateful for this recipe. Thank you for posting.
  5. This recipe has become my go-to breakfast for the last few weeks. It's a good source of fiber, low carb, has protein from the egg; it's pretty much everything a low-carber is looking for. Oh, did I mention it tastes great, and makes a great base for all kinds of flavors (chocolate flax muffin, yum!)? I've found that reducing the cook time (1:10 for my microwave) and using aluminum-free baking powder results in a better taste and texture.


  1. I substitute 1 tbs of the ground flaxmeal for 1 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder. This provides some chocolate flavor and improves texture and coloring of the muffin. I then microwave in a straight mug so the muffin comes out cylinder shaped. Allow to cool and slice cylinder into 4 rounds (or more, depending on the height/depth of mug and thickness of slices) to create "sandwiches" by putting peanut butter between 2 rounds. Sometimes I roll the exposed ends in semi-sweet mini morsels. Other times I put whipped cream between the layers, with or without mini morsels, and freeze for an "ice cream sandwich." YUMMY
  2. The one think I really miss about my old diet was sandwiches. So, instead of adding cinnamon and sweetener I replaced them with salt and pepper. Then, I microwaved the mixture in a flat round bowl and cut it in half. This works great for a sandwich or even a cheese burger.
  3. I have been eating this for quite a while now and love it! The original recipe came from It calls for a pat of butter instead of oil, but I doubt that matters. I omit the sweetner. Try topping with a fried egg, or poached. Top with sugar free syrup. Very, very good. Lots of really good variations posted here.
  4. I used 2 teaspoonso of honey instead of stevia and I also used coconut oil instead of regular oil. I tried this recipe with cinnamon but I also tried it with Coco powder unsweetened, it was delicious.
  5. Made it this morning for breakfast. It actually was pretty good! Tried to make a Cinnabon inspired muffin. :) Mixed all the dry ingredients together first (flaxseed, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice) then mixed separately melted coconut oil, egg, dash of vanilla - mixed into dry ingredients. then added a little maple syrup as a sweetner and 1/2 diced apple (microwaved so they were a little less liquidy). Then I added a little more flaxseed meal and baking powder, (because I was concerned about the added wet ingredients while following the original measurements). I was surprised on how good it was for my first low carb muffin and for only taking a few minutes to make. Will try again with maybe pumpkin puree or a chocolate/almond butter muffin - bet it would be good too!


I am a work-at-home mom aspiring artist. I cook for my husband and four year old daughter. Over the last year I have had to cut out caffeine, chocolate, refined grains and sugar. So I have been focusing on healthy foods and I hope to lead a good example for my little one. A few months ago I found out that I have an intolerance to wheat and bovine dairy, so I am always on the look out for dairy free and wheat/gluten free recipes. (Update 2009 - It is no longer thought that I have issues with wheat. So I now use wheat flour in my cooking, but I try not to consume too much of it. I am however still lactose intollerant and so is my daughter.) Also I am currently dabbling with a semi-vegetarian diet and doing a bit of low carb. Though cooking has been a bit of a challenge with all the dietary restraints, I have been feeling great. So I plan to keep up with this. My family maintains an omni diet, but I don't mind it at all. The main focus on food for us is health and enjoyment. :)
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