O'charley's Honey Mustard

"Around these parts, O'Charley's Honey Mustard is a favorite. I found this recipe while searching for another recipe, and was excited to find it. Hope you enjoy it!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:


  • 12 cup salad dressing (miracle whip)
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard (country)
  • 1 - 1 12 tablespoon honey
  • 18 teaspoon red pepper powder


  • Mix all ingredients together.
  • Chill and serve.
  • Can be used as dip for chicken or spread for sandwiches.
  • Also, you can mix 1/2 honey mustard with 1/2 ranch dressing and spread on chef salad.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I made it as directed, but I should've known not to. I am so NOT a Miracle Whip person. I'm a Hellman's (or Kraft is good too) Mayo girl, all the way. As far as I know, there's never been a recipe calling for Miracle Whip for honey mustard, so I was hopeful this would be perhaps the right one to match O'Charley's, which is why I tried it with Miracle Whip. To me though, I didn't feel like it tasted anything like O'Charley's, which I do love. I appreciate the effort though and sharing. Maybe it's psychological for me, since I hate the MW. lol!
  2. This is it. Spot on. I don't always add the cayenne but without it, I have put the two side by side. The only diff is this was thicker.
  3. O'Charley's Honey Mustard is only 17% Real Honey... so try again at this one.


  1. My subconscious wants a light yellow color so I ended up adding a little bit of yellow mustard to give it the right color. My kids LOVE the flavor and I make it once a week during the summer when we have homemade chicken nuggets at the local outdoor concert series!


I am a teacher, and have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 9 years. I have a niece who is 7, and a nephew who is 1. Also, I have 2 sweet kitties. Sinatra is a bit on the plump side, and Audrey is a petite dainty thing. They both are almost mirror images of each other. <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/airbornearmywife/joshnatras2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://wmg.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://wmg.photobucket.com/albums/v202/airbornearmywife/1159026847.pbw" height="120" width="400"></embed> <a href="http://www.amazingcounter.com"><img border="0" src="http://c8.amazingcounters.com/counter.php?i=1680027&c=5040394" alt="Web Counter"/></a> <img src="http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e347/Saturn6666/KiwiDutch/3chefstag1.jpg"> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/PAC08Main.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"><img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/adoptedspring08.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
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