Nut Horns

"I have never posted a recipe I haven't tried before, but I was going through an envelope of old recipes -- clippings, cards, fading paper, you know the sort of things that collect in the back of drawers. I found this one on a water-spotted and yellow paper that's ready to crumble apart. I think it may have come from an aunt, but it may have been from a woman in the church I grew up in. I remember having them at Christmas. Since the paper is crumbling I figured I'd better post it to keep it safe. THE YIELD IS A GUESS. THE SIZES OF THE CANS WERE NOT SPECIFIED. I tried to come up with the standard, US can sizes. I'll edit both once I've made it and correct it. If anyone makes it before I do please tell me how many it made for you."
photo by SweetsLady photo by SweetsLady
photo by SweetsLady
Ready In:
14hrs 20mins
100-150 cookies




  • Scald milk. Cool to safe temperature for yeast.
  • In a separate pot melt shortening.
  • Beat eggs.
  • Dissolve yeast in the warm milk. Add shortening and beaten eggs.
  • Add flour 2 cups at a time. Knead dough.
  • Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  • To prepare filling combine the first 5 ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a boil.
  • Add beaten eggs and cook 2 minutes. Remove from heat.
  • Heat oven to 375°F.
  • Roll manageable portions of the dough very thin in powdered sugar. Cut in 3x3 squares.
  • Place 1 tsp filling in one corner of a dough square. Roll up, starting at that corner, and seal edges.
  • Place on greased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes (lightly browned?).

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  1. Great recipe! I made 1/2 a recipe first, but I only did 1/4 of the nut filling as I didn't have a whole 16 oz bag of nuts and that was enough for the whole recipe not just half so I ended up making another batch today. I used 1 cake yeast for each 1/2 batch that I made. It ended up making about 5 dozen for me, but not sure if they were to be rolled out thinner than mine or not. I'm freezing some of these for our CHRISTmas baskets. Dh took some to work and they were gone by 10 am. Thanks for the recipe, 3KillerBs! This recipe made it into our book#179809!



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