My Italian Meatballs

"I have played around with different recipes and always seem to end up with these. They come out moist and hold their shape. I bake them in the oven which is easier for clean up and I can drain the fat out of them easier."
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Ready In:
1hr 5mins
24 meatballs




  • Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a large bowl combine all the ingredients with a large wooden spoon or fork or use your hands.(This adds the Love!). Incorporate it all together gently, being careful not to over mix. Form into 24 meatballs and place in a 9x13 metal baking pan. Bake for 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

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  1. I made these for Pick a Chef. September 2007. We liked these meatballs, I used dried oregano and upped the amount to 3 tablespoons since we can't get flavoured breadcrumbs here in the Netherlands and DH still said he wanted to see more flavour. He suggested some minced onion maybe or some fresh oregano or stonger mix of herbs. Whilst these were very nice and we had no problem eating them, I must say that I agree. I was pleased to see that they held together well and that yes, draining the fat that came out of them was really easy. please see my rating system: 3 stars for a recipe that we liked but for which I would like to strengthen the flavours for considerably next time. Thanks!


<p><img src= border=0 alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket /> <br /> <br /> <br />I work in a hospital as a Unit Secretary in a Cardiology Unit. It is such a busy, fast paced job that there are times I come home drained. I have learned to make fast easy meals from Recipezaar and save the more complicated ones for my days off. My husband is in the Army and was away for a year and now is stationed so far that he comes home on Friday nights and goes back Monday mornings. So I always like to have some nice meals waiting for him. <br />I always say it is like we are dating again. Since we only see eachother on weekends I try to impress him with a nice homecooked meal when he gets home. He usually eats at the mess hall. Other nights we will go out to dinner and a movie. I have one son who has been my Rock of Gibraltar through this. so some of meals are geared towards his tastes. He works and goes to college so I try to sneak a special meal in for him when he is home. Which isn't too often. I enjoy trying new recipes and sharing some of mine.</p>
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