Muffuletta Olive Salad & Sandwich Recipe

"The best sandwich relish you will ever have!"
photo by Oliver1010 photo by Oliver1010
photo by Oliver1010
photo by Oliver1010 photo by Oliver1010
photo by FrenchBunny photo by FrenchBunny
photo by FrenchBunny photo by FrenchBunny
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  • Mix first seven ingredients and let stand at room temperature overnight.
  • Have all meats/cheeses sliced very,very thinly. The following day, slice a loaf of GOOD French bread horizontally. Scoop out some of the center of the loaf and drizzle wth olive oil, from the olive salad you made the night before, on both sides of the bread. On the bottom half, spread some of the olive salad. Then, layer the salami, Provolone, prosciutto, and Muenster, alternating until all are gone. Put more of the olive salad in the top of the loaf, and wrap the assembled sandwich in tinfoil (seam side UP) and bake @ 350 for 15-20 minutes.
  • This makes a LOT of relish, so if you like, it's easily halved.

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  1. This was such a wonderful Muffuletta sandwich. I had never made one before but have heard so much about them. So easy to make I was amazed. The olive salad relish was so tasty. I did cut the recipe in half since we were only two of us. Next time I will keep it in the oven for a little longer to melt the cheese better because the 20 minutes was not enough. But so many wonderful flavors in this sandwich...we just loved them. I will be making more of these....Thanks so much for sharing your recipe Evil Step-Mom
  2. Awesome sandwich!! I love muffalettas, and having one at a restaurant recently, I was craving another one at home. I did scale down the relish to about 1/2 the recipe, used red wine vinegar, and used honey ham instead of the prosciutto. The sandwiches came out nice and gooey from the melted cheese. Served with a spinach salad. UPDATE: I used the spread on a wrap today with sliced honey ham and cream cheese. Delicious!! Added lots of tang to my boring lunch.
  3. I made a 1/3 batch of the olive relish early in the day and then slathered it on Recipe #318969 along with the meat & cheeses. I liked that this olive salad didn't include anchovies, but I do confess to chilling it instead of leaving it out. Excellent sandwich!


41 years old, step-mom to two boys. Proud wife of a helicopter mechanic. Hairstylist/psychiatrist to many! Favorite cookbook is the one that compiles all the recipes that I've found, been given and scratched onto a grocery receipt over the years. It's dirty, smeared and falling apart, but it's my very favorite! I'm really working hard on yeast breads. Made croissants from scratch a couple of times over the past summer, and I'm now convinced I know why all French chefs are crazy: They make croissants! That'll make anybody go looney-tunes. My biggest irritations are people putting things away in the kitchen OTHER than where they belong, and taking my KITCHEN SHEARS OUT OF THE KITCHEN AND NOT RETURNING THEM!
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