Missouri Mix

"Here is an all-purpose baking mix that I make up for easy baking. I got this several years ago from my mother in law, and it is fantastic! My husband does not like the taste of Bisquik or other store bought biscuit mixes, but he loves this one, and we save money making our own. It only takes a few minutes to make it up, and then you have it ready to go whenever you need it! Use it in in place of anything that calls for biscuit mix or use it in your own recipe, by using 1 1/2 cups of mix for each cup of flour called for in your recipe. The mix already has baking powder,salt, fat, and milk."
photo by dherberg photo by dherberg
photo by dherberg
Ready In:
13 Cups




  • Stir baking powder, dry milk, and salt into the flour.
  • Using an electric mixer, mix shortening into the flour mixture until all the particles of shortening are thouroughly coated and the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal.
  • Store in an airtight container in a cool dry place. No need to refrigerate.

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  1. I grew up using Missouri Mix.. As I type this, I'm enjoying pancakes made from it. My Mom would made Coffee Cake every Sunday Brunch (back then we never called it Brunch)
    • Review photo by dherberg
  2. I wanted to make Oven "Fried" Chicken and Biscuits (<a href="/134101">Oven &quot;fried&quot; Chicken and Biscuits</a>) and I remembered I had this up in the cupboard. It worked perfectly. They really made the meal. The biscuits were wonderful and it was so nice to have this on hand. They really did taste much better than the store bought mixes. I'll be sure to keep this in my cupboard!


<p>I am a SAHM of three boys. I love to bake. I get great satisfaction out of presenting a meal that people enjoy. My huband is fun to feed, so I really like trying things out on him. <br /> <br /></p>
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