Mini Herbed Scones With Smoked Salmon

photo by Chef floWer

- Ready In:
- 30mins
- Ingredients:
- 16
- Yields:
24 mini scones
- Serves:
- 24
- 160 g wholemeal self-rising flour (1 cup)
- 75 g self-raising flour (1/2 cup)
- 40 g low-fat butter (50% reduced fat spread recommended)
- 1 tablespoon parsley (freshly chopped)
- 2 teaspoons dill (freshly chopped)
- 2 teaspoons chives (freshly chopped)
- 125 ml skim milk (1/2 cup)
- self-raising flour, for dusting (extra)
- 125 g light sour cream (extra light recommended - 1/2 cup)
- 1⁄2 teaspoon lemon zest (finely grated)
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice (fresh)
- 2 teaspoons dill (freshly chopped)
- 2 teaspoons parsley (freshly chopped)
- 80 g smoked salmon (cut into small pieces)
- 2 slices limes (thin and finely chopped)
- fresh ground black pepper
- To make the scones -.
- Spray a large baking tray with non-stick cooking spray.
- Sift the flours into a large bowl, returning any husks from the wholemeal flour to the bowl.
- Using your fingertips, rub in the spread until fine crumbs form.
- Stir in the parsley, dill and chives.
- Add the milk and using a flat bladed knife and mix until the dough just begins to come together.
- Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface and bring together to form a ball.
- Press out or roll to form an 18cm round.
- Using a 4.5cm round cutter, cut out shapes from the dough, dipping the cutter into extra flour as you go to stop the dough from sticking.
- Bring together remaining dough and repeat rolling and cutting.
- You should have a total of 12 scones.
- Place shapes on the tray about 1cm apart and sprinkle with extra flour.
- Bake for 10 minutes or until cooked.
- Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
- To make the topping -.
- In a small bowl, combine the sour cream, lemon zest, lemon juice and 1 1/2 teaspoons each of the dill and parsley.
- Assembly of scones and topping -.
- Split the scones in half and place on a large serving plate.
- Evenly spoon a little of the sour cream mixture over each half.
- Sprinkle with the remaining dill and parsley and top with a few pieces of smoked salmon and then the lime.
- Sprinkle with pepper and serve.
Questions & Replies

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I was so taken w/Chef floWer's photo of this recipe & decided to serve it as part of a seafood starter plate. Everyone thot the scones were fantastic, but was a a bit less enthused about their topping as a pers pref. It seemed a little bitter & somewhat thin to me. I'm sure I can correct this by either using cream cheese or a combo of cream cheese + sour cream. This makes for an elegant presentation & definitely will be repeated. Thx for sharing your recipe w/us.
Yum! This recipe was so easy to make and perfect for our special for afternoon tea today. The combination of the scones, topping and smoked salmon was excellent. These would also be perfect to be served as an appetizer at a finger food party, you could easily prepared everything before hand. Thank you Chef Potts
With the demise of the forums and with no more interaction on site with what was a great community and it was a pleasure to get to know so many of you over the years and to have had the privilege of meeting some of you in person. For me now this is just another recipe site like to many on the net, it has lost its specialness, such a pity especially when Scripps changed the name from Recipezaar to and made this statement sorry cannot replicate here as considered invalid but they basically said yes the community was valuable hence .com was short for community but it was a pack of lies as they were not willing to put the money into that community and got rid of the forums which was the community so for .com has become .crap.