Mincemeat Custard Pie

"A nice change for Christmas Day or New Year's from the ordinary mincemeat pie.The custard and mincemeat combined create a pleasing taste and texture.This is delicious served cold garnished with dollops of whipped cream sprinkled with nutmeg.If a purchased pie crust is used the prep time will be reduced."
photo by BriarCraft photo by BriarCraft
photo by BriarCraft
Ready In:
1hr 5mins




  • Combine sugar, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Add eggs, milk and vanilla.
  • Mix well.
  • Press mincemeat evenly over bottom of unbaked pie shell.
  • Slowly por custard mixture over mincemeat.
  • Bake at 425 for 10 minutes.
  • Reduce heat to 350 and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until knife inserted near centre comes out clean.
  • Cool before serving.

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  1. One cup of mincemeat does not a 'whole batch' make. Unless of course you're feeding Christmas mice! Sounds like the recipe may have been battered to me as I have had no problems getting a lovely pie from the exact same recipe found at a different source.
  2. I think in order to review a recipe correctly you should make the recipe exactly as written, not monkey around with it. As such that's exactly what I did. I don't like this recipe, won't make it again. If I want mince meat I make a mincemeat pie. If I want custard I make custard or a custard pie. I do not like the 2 completely different textures in one pie and unlike one reviewer who said the low reviews aren't warranted I politely disagree. If I don't like a recipe I'm entitled to my opinion whether anyone else agrees with it or not. I grew up working alongside my grandmother who was in the restaurant/baking business and learned my techniques from her. I make my mincemeat from scratch and like a nice thick consistency. We grow 13 varieties of organic fruit & I dehydrate & freeze 100+ gallons of berries, grapes, rhubarb, apples, peaches etc every year so I am blessed to have a lot of variety of fruits at my disposal. I gave this recipe a neutral rating of 3 because it's just not my preference.
  3. Absolutely delicious!!! I did increase the mincemeat to 1 1/3 cups, just to use half of what comes in the Nonesuch Mincemeat jar. This is my new favorite mincemeat pie recipe. The couple of bad reviews are absolutely unwarranted! 1 1/4 c. milk is correct and spices should be mixed into the sugar before adding liquids for the custard. My baking time was 15 minutes longer than the recipe calls for, but I think my mini-oven probably cooled down from the 425 temp faster than most ovens.
  4. I haven't tried this yet, but please tell me you didn't actually put eleven cups of milk into this. It is pretty obviously one cup plus one fourth of a cup milk. No wonder it was so watery!
  5. Custard mix was way too watery, and the spices did not mix very well, despite several minutes of mixing! Think milk amount is way too much - maybe try 1/4 cup, not 1 1/4 cups. Cooking time way too much - try 15-20 minutes tops! Wasted a whole batch of mincemeat and pie crust on this variation. Needs some revising!!



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