Meat Kreplach (Jewish Ravioli)

"When I moved out on my own, I asked for the family Kreplach recipe. My Mom ended up giving me her taped up 1954 Settlement Cookbook with handwritten notes in the margins, so I'm guessing a bit on this recipe. My grandmother would save the roast beef & brisket scraps in the freezer until she had enough, and then would make a batch of Kreplach and serve it as a side dish with dinner. It would also make a great appetizer. Imagine a meat ravioli with a slightly crispy noodle dough without any sauce. Many people also serve them in hot chicken soup (in this case it is a bit like a beef Chinese potsticker). I am totally guessing on yield and time since I have never actually made this myself, but will edit the recipe based on reviewer comments or when I make it myself."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
1hr 30mins
24 kreplach


  • Dough

  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups flour
  • 34 teaspoon salt
  • water (approx 3 tbsp)
  • Filling

  • 1 lb cooked beef, chopped (such as roast beef or brisket)
  • 2 onions, sliced and browned
  • 1 egg
  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil (original recipe called for schmaltz, rendered chicken fat) or butter (original recipe called for schmaltz, rendered chicken fat)


  • Prepare Dough - Beat egg slightly, add salt, flour and enough water to make a stiff dough.
  • Knead dough well, let stand covered for 30 minutes.
  • Roll out very thin and spread on cloth to dry. It must not be the least bit sticky but not so dry that it will break or be brittle.
  • Prepare Meat Filling - The original recipe simply used chopped cooked meat. Our family version put the meat and browned onions through a meat grinder. I'm going to try using a food processor and roughly chop the meat and onions.
  • Add egg, salt and pepper to meat and onion mixture.
  • With knife, cut the dough in 2 inch squares.
  • Place a teaspoon of meat mixture on every square and then fold each into a triangle, pressing the edges together. Wet the edges with water or egg yolk if needed to get them to stick well.
  • Drop kreplach into boiling salted water or soup, and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Remove with slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Refrigerate or freeze until ready to serve. (They could also be served immediately in hot soup).
  • Prior to serving, thaw (if frozen) and brush tops with oil, butter or schmaltz. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until heated through (I'm totally guessing on the time since this was not in the cookbook notes, so monitor closely so the kreplach does not get browned on the tops).

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  1. Five stars for the Kreplach, but not so many for author posting before making it at least once. A few thoughts: The listed quantity of dough will make about 75 Kreplach when rolled through an Atlas pasta machine at setting 5 (of 6). This is with the dough cut to 2.5 inches square, not 2 inches as noted. You will not fit a teaspoon of meat mixture in the dough squares even at 2.5". 75 Kreplach took about 2/3 of the meat mixture. I still have 1/3 left over. From the recipe: Roll out dough very thin and spread on cloth to dry. You do NOT want the dough to dry. Once rolled you need to really hustle or the dough will harden and be unusable. After rolling my dough I dusted and then laid on wax paper and covered with a damp towel until I was ready for the next sheet. Do NOT cook for 15 minutes, mine were done in 7. I challenge even Jamie Oliver to make this in 45 minutes. This is hours people. Hours. And yes, the brisket I used was already cooked and chilled. I only had to pull it and chop it into slightly smaller pieces. This was awesome served with the brisket braising juices and a little sour cream and horseradish. Thanks for posting.



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