Maple Cinnamon Pecan Honey Syrup

"This is a good syrup with a little different flavour. It does not need to be canned for finishing, just keep syrup in jar with a lid in the refrigerator. Processed in boiling water bath, it will keep for a year, if you don't process the syrup in canning jars it will keep in the refrigerator for a month or so. This is great on pancakes or on My Favourite French Toast, recipe #107988, and is also delish as a dessert sauce."
photo by PaulaG photo by PaulaG
photo by PaulaG
photo by lauralie41 photo by lauralie41
photo by lauralie41 photo by lauralie41
Ready In:
3 half pint jars




  • Combine syrup, honey, and cinnamon in a saucepan.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat, stir in vanilla and pecans, simmer 5 minutes.
  • Ladle hot syrup into hot sterilized jars, leave 1/4 inch headspace.
  • Adjust 2 piece lids, process in boiling water bath (BWB) for 10 minutes.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Delicious! This is so easy and will make a great gift along side a jar of recipe #199959. Gave the syrup a trial run atop recipe #213939.
  2. This was one of the easiest recipes ever!!! I am new at canning and I can say that I love to can now! I did make my maple syrup half and half with regular syrup, my family isn to fond of maple but they all loved this syrup!! it made exact amount it said, I cannned it in 4 oz jars....made great gifts too!!! Thank you
  3. This syrup is so easy to make and has a very nice rich taste. I think the syrup would also be good over vanilla ice cream or sliced fruit for a summer treat. I did not use the canning process, I will keep it in the fridge. Another great recipe bikerchick!


As my nickname might imply, one of my hobbies does have something to do with bikes. The motorized kind, I enjoy endurance motorcycle riding. I'm a big fan of car racing too, particularly the European stuff, road racing, and endurance car racing, not so much NASCAR, but no offense. The Beau and I get to take his car out once in a while for autocross and basically drive like speed demons and not get in trouble. I love driving in general and am one of the few nutz who enjoys shopping for cars. But I also love to cook. Believe it or not, my mom doesn't think I can cook. But she couldn't cook, so that's probably how she got on that track. My sister and I were latchkey kids and learned to help in the kitchen at a young age and I consider cooking a great outlet for my creative bits. I work full time but am in school on and off part time, plus try to keep up with current events and life in general, plus teach a weekly class to my co-workers, plus just hanging out with The Beau and all our good friends. Oh and I also pet/house-sit -- I used to do it for friends but recently hired on with a "company" and am now kinda one of their contractors. I'm a dog freak but don't have a good setup for dogs, so pet-sitting is how I get my dog fix. I have a kitty, she's 18 and at her age I figure she deserves a taste of whatever's on my plate.
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