Maine Lobster Stew

"Real Maine Lobster Stew has lobster, butter, milk, the roe and tomalley (if there is any), and the reserved liquid from the lobsters. It does not have a whole bunch of other stuff in it. If you make it the Maine-way, you will think that you are there sitting on the wharf eating. Make it a day ahead to enhance the flavor of the stew."
photo by Donna D. photo by Donna D.
photo by Donna D.
photo by Donna D. photo by Donna D.
Ready In:
1hr 30mins


  • 4 fresh lobsters (reserve cooking liquid from lobsters)
  • 6 -8 tablespoons butter
  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • 1 quart whole milk
  • salt and pepper


  • Boil the lobsters for about 18 minutes.
  • Place cooked lobsters on several platters to cool and catch the juices.
  • After they are cool; pick the meat from them.
  • Remove the tomalley (green liver) and the roe (coral) if it is found.
  • After all the meat is picked out, saute the tomalley and roe in 2 tablespoons butter in a heavy cooking pot for three minutes.
  • Add more butter and some of the lobster meat into the pot.
  • Repeat this until all the lobster meat has been sauted for five to ten minutes.
  • Add the cream, the reserved lobster juice from the platters, and the milk.
  • Simmer BUT DO NOT BOIL uncovered on low heat for an hour or two (remember take care not to boil).
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Make this a day ahead to enhance the flavor and you'll be glad you did.
  • NOTE: A rule of thumb for figuring amounts--4-5 ounces of meat per person; 1/2 stick butter per person; 1 cup half and half per person.

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  1. Fantastic! I am a bit more generous with the lobster. Chef Boe
  2. Finally someone that knows how to make real Lobster Stew! The secret is to make it ahead, I'm up to three days and it's fantastic!
  3. I grew up in a Maine coastal town and worked at a seafood restaurant for many summers serving, making, and eating lobster stew. This recipe is exactly how its done! Excellent!
  4. Doesn't get any better than this Mimi... I have had Lobster Stew many times exactly this way and it is INCREDIBLE! Thanks for sharing your New England specialty with us! Linda
  5. Oh, Mimi -- you MUST be related to a WONDERFUL friend from York Beach, Maine, who was our neighbor in Baltimore !! We spent many summer weeks with them at "the family lake cabins" - eating the lobster as written, as well as other Maine delights (such as Indian Pudding) HER way was the ONLY authentic method -- and she taught me this, while we taught her family how to eat STEAMED crabs, the Maryland way. I haven't fixed Lobster Stew in many years, but you have inspired me !! Mary, I sure do miss you !! Thanks for happy memories, Mimi.


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