Lentils With Onions and Tomatoes

"This is a wonderful, easy to prepare lentil dish that I received from a friend. She had attended a potluck where she sampled this Kenyan dish that her co-worker prepared from her home country. Delicious!"
photo by Dreamer in Ontario photo by Dreamer in Ontario
photo by Dreamer in Ontario
photo by *Parsley* photo by *Parsley*
photo by mersaydees photo by mersaydees
photo by Starrynews photo by Starrynews
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  • Put lentils, bouillon cube, and water into a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and allow to simmer until lentils are soft and most of the water is absorbed, about 20-25 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate saute pan, add oil and onions and saute until onions are soft and browned.
  • Stir in tomatoes, garlic powder, and rosemary. Let cook over medium heat until tomatoes are cooked down a bit, about 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Combine lentils and onion mixture, stirring well.
  • Adjust temperature to low. Pour in whipping cream, stirring gently.
  • Allow to heat through on low for an additional 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

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  1. Yummy, My only change was to use fat free evaporated milk to lose the sat fat. It still tasted marvelous and made a great lunch today.:D
  2. This will be my take-a-long dinner at work tonight. I just had to try it before packing some up in my lunch bag. Delicious! I made this using fresh rosemary rather than dried and I only had half and half cream so subbed that for the whipping cream. I also used canned tomatoes because I can't stand the hockey pucks they try to fob off on us in the winter.
  3. DH and I had this very easy to make lentil dish for lunch today. It was really tasty and we enjoyed it. I used green lentils and was a little shy of the 1/4 cup of cream. The texture of my lentils was not as moist as the photo posted, which is how we prefer it. I thought the texture was just right. Thanks so much for this nice recipe!
  4. This is a wonderful lentil dish. I mixed in some French Puy lentils, used 2 cups vegetable broth, fresh finely chopped garlic and fresh rosemary simply because I had them on hand. I have a potluck to attend this week at work and this is a serious contender! I'm trying to get my coworkers to eat healthier. Thanks, StarryNews! Made for Veggie Recipe Swap #29, December 2010.
  5. A very nicely flavoured lentil dish! I found the texture on the mushy side and next time I think I will add the onion to the lentils while the cook and stir the tomato into the the lentils at the same time as adding the whipping cream. Perhaps it is the additon of the cream that is throwing off my expectation to the texture?? I used red lentils and 10% cream. Oh - and if you want - change the 'chicken' under ingredients as the nutrition facts include a whole :) chicken which throws off your calorie count for the dish.



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