Lemon Meringue Pie

"The best tasting Lemon Mernigue Pie you will have have the occassion to taste."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1 Pie




  • Mix 1 1/4 cups sugar and 6 TBS cornstarch together in the top of a double boiler.
  • Add the two cups of water.
  • combine egg yolks with lemon juice and beat until well mixed.
  • Add to the previously mixted sugar cornstarch and water.
  • Cook over boiling water until thick--- about 25 minutes (I use a heavy cast aluminum pan with a low heat. I don;t like cooking with double boiler) I stir conntinuously with a wire wisk until thickened.
  • Turn heat off.
  • Add butter, vinegar, and lemon extract and stir till thoroughly blended and butter is melted.
  • Pour mixture into 9-inch pie shell and let cool.
  • Cover with Meringue and brown in oven.
  • NEVER FAIL MERINGUE Blend 4 TBS cornstarch and the 2 TBS of cold water in a sauce pan.
  • Add 1/2 cup boiling water and cook stirring until clear and thickened.
  • Let stand until COMPLETELY COLD.
  • With electric beater at high speed, beat egg whites until foamy.
  • Gradually add 6 TBS sugar and beat until stiff but not dry.
  • This is the part that was hardest for me cause you just have to use your own judgement.
  • If the peaks stand straight up when you lift the beaters it is too much.
  • You want the peaks to lift up when you take the beaters out and then gentlyfold over on the tops.
  • Kinda like a soft serve ice cream cone.
  • Turn mixer to low speed, add salt and vanilla.
  • Gradually beat in cold cornstarch mixture.
  • Turn mixer to high again and beat well.
  • Spread meringue over cooled pie filling.
  • Bake at 350* for 12 minutes or until top is browned.

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