Lemon Cordial

"This is SO much nicer than store bought cordial and with not too much effort. Everybody I know loves it when I make my own cordial. For those that have never tried home made, use the cordial sparingly as it seems strong than store bought. May be start with 1/2 inch in your glass and adjust according to your taste. I have also made this with other citrus fruits. You could use 3 oranges & 3 lemons or just use limes. Delish!"
photo by Tisme photo by Tisme
photo by Tisme
photo by AmandaInOz photo by AmandaInOz
Ready In:
9 cups approx




  • Finely grate the rind off lemons and then juice them all.
  • Put all dry ingredients and lemon juice into a saucepan or large bowl and add boiling water slowly. Mix to dissolve, cool, then bottle and seal.
  • Serve diluted with water or soda water, according to taste.

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  1. Fantastic recipe. This is so easy. Why would you ever need to buy cordial?! I halved the recipe with no problems and still managed to fill two bottles. I'm going to try limes next! Thanks for this recipe. It's a real keeper!
  2. Great way for me to deal with a lemon glut !!! So easy to do and I also threw in a couple of limes all with a great result !!!
  3. Great recipe, I halfed the recipe as I was low on sugar at the time. Although instead of grating the rind, I did throw in a few of the leftover squeezed lemons into the suacepan to boil and strained the juice afterward, and it gave a very nice tart flavour. The family love this cordial and it goes very nice with water and ice and is wonderful with lemonade. This is a great, easy recipe for anyone who wants to save money and make their own cordial, and as a bonus it tastes heaps better and you know whats in it ! :-) Thanks busyozmum
  4. This is a great idea. My lemons were very small so I used about 12 of them so my cordial was very tart, the amount of required lemon juice would be a good addition to the recipe I think. I used raw sugar which gave it a nice caramel colour. The cordial is a bit too tart to drink just with water but tastes lovely with a little lemonade, thanks!
  5. Great recipe! Who knew it would be so easy. I used whatever I found in the yard- oranges, lemons, grapefruit and mandarins. And it made a LOT! Tastes great with soda water, nice little tipple to serve to guests. Cheers!


I was born to migrant (Polish) parents in the western suburbs of Victoria, Australia in the early 60's. I was born to love food. My mother, a talented lady, taught herself to cook after she got married and turned out to be a wonderful cook. People everywhere rave about her meals. I am especially fond of the few traditional Polish dishes she makes. These days that only happens by special request. :o) When I was 18, I married into a Greek/Macedonian family and so my love of food was further expanded and enhanced. Those people can cook! Now married for a 2nd time to a true-blue Aussie guy, I struck gold again with a mother-in-law who was extremely talented in her kitchen. Unfortunately she's too elderly and unwell to weild her wooden spoon these days but I thoroughly enjoy discussing her favourite recipes and perusing her old cook books. Food has always been a huge part of my life. I love all types of cuisines. Hubby and I have 7 kids (his, mine and ours). At present (2010), they are 26, 26, 25, 24, 20, 11 & 9 years old. I get to practice in the kitchen a lot. Sometimes more than I really want to. LOL! The 5 older kids are no longer living at home but phone me with foody requests regularly. I LOVE it when they ask for a favourite dish to be cooked by me. I feel my job has been well done. :o) My 2 younger kids are a Mum's nightmare to feed. I don't know why, but these 2 are by far the pick-iest eaters of the 7. Still, they are asked to try new things regularly and I'm sure one day, they too will have a love of good food as the rest of us do. <img src="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/Erica-1-1.jpg"> Australian/New Zealand RECIPE SWAP #22 - November 2008 <img src="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c105/jewelies/MullaMulla-1-1.jpg"> Australian/New Zealand RECIPE SWAP #21 - October 2008 <img src=http://i335.photobucket.com/albums/m445/mliss29/vegnswap3/group07kiwi.jpg> Veg*n Swap 3 ~ October 2008 <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee267/these2hands/RecipeSwap2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
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