Italian Cocktail Meatballs

"A favorite at all of our gatherings. They are usually the first thing on the table to disappear. If made ahead and placed in the fridge or freezer, you may want to thin the sauce out a bit. I find a tablespoon or two of water does the trick very nicely."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
2hrs 45mins
36 piecres




  • Thoroughly mix all the meatball ingredients, except olive oil. Roll into ½” balls and fry in oil until well browned. Drain, set aside until sauce is ready.
  • Combine all ingredients, except cheese in the skillet meatballs were cooked in (if there is a lot of fat, remove most of it – leaving any browned bits in the skillet). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 1 hour over very low heat. Add meatballs and simmer another hour, stirring several times very gently. Pour into chafing dish, crockpot or other serving dish and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.
  • These freeze well – just be careful when defrosting and breaking them up. Be gentle – so not to break up the meatballs.
  • Note: I have indicated this makes about 36 meatballs -- but that's just a complete guess off the top of my head! I couldn't post the recipe without putting something in that field!

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This is a picture of me with my oldest grandson, DJ and was taken this past summer when we went on a cruise and land tour of Alaska. I am retired after working for the same company for 25 years. My husband is a retired military officer. After the military he started working for Lockheed and is now retired from there as well. We live in San Jose, CA and have lived in the same house for over 33 years. We have two grown children and 6 beautiful grandchildren. I love to try new recipes and jazz up old ones. Taste of Home and Southern Living are my favorite recipe magazines(I enjoy reading a little bit about the people who submit the recipes). Recipe Zaar is just an incredible site. I've made many new friends since joining. I have tons of cookbooks -- but now when I need a new recipe that I know I can count on, I come here! <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src=""> <img src="">
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