How to Test Your Oven Temperature Without a Thermometer

"Based on the method in Cooking For Geeks."
photo by Dreamer in Ontario photo by Dreamer in Ontario
photo by Dreamer in Ontario
photo by Lucia S. photo by Lucia S.
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  • To test if your oven is running cold:

  • Preheat oven to 375°. (186° C.).
  • Place a small amount of granulated sugar in an oven-proof dish or on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil.
  • Place in oven for 15 minutes.
  • If your oven is calibrated correctly, the sugar will melt.
  • If your oven is running cold, the sugar will not melt.
  • To test if your oven is running hot:

  • Preheat oven to 350°. (177° C.).
  • Follow the same procedure as above.
  • If your oven is calibrated correctly, the sugar will not melt (although it may brown a little).
  • If your oven is running hot, the sugar will melt.
  • Note: ovens do not maintain a constant temperature, but cycle above and below it, so it is possible that the sugar may melt at 350° if your oven is correctly calibrated but has an extreme cycle (15° F, 8° C.).

Questions & Replies

  1. I think my oven is accurate at 350 degrees but when I raise temperature to 450 or higher the oven thermometers don’t register that. I want to start a prime rib at 500 degrees for 20 minutes but don’t know what to do.
  2. i need to test my oven. Do i have to preheat it first or should i just put sugar inside n see at what temperture it starts to melt. please do reply
  3. My oven is electric and bakes at 5' intervals. How would you rate this as far as the calibration goes? 350' - Nothing Melted 355' - partial mealting 360' - half melting 365' - totally melted


  1. Well, am surprised b/c my oven is calibrated correctly-thought it ran cold. For first test, the sugar melted. For second test, it barely browned around the edges. Thank you Chocolatl for a very interesting "recipe".
  2. It really works!! Knew my oven was a little off so started with the test for running hot and the sugar melted. Then just for fun did the test for running cold and the sugar burnt. So what I knew before has now been proven my oven is running a little on the hot side. But given the age of my oven guessing I would be a little hot about still having to work also. Thanks so much for the post.
  3. Found out that my oven runs cold and my toaster oven runs hot.
  4. Well, my oven runs a bit cold and, though you can't tell in the photo, the sugar browned a bit but didn't melt. This was interesting as I wasn't certain, before, which was wrong, the external oven thermometer or the internal oven thermometer.
  5. Thank you! I have a new RV oven, and it is my first ever gas oven. Something seemed really wrong the first time I cooked a frozen pizza. A new oven thermometer says that the oven is running 56° cold. So what do I trust? This is a pretty meaningful test and has let me know that the $6 gadget is calibrated properly and this $900 appliance is not.


  1. I set OTG at 186 it did not melt and then i set it at 200 it melted and again i tried at 220 it did not melt, i think my OTG is acting funny. It should be in Bake mode rite
  2. I preheated my oven to 177 C and the sugar was completely melted in 11 minutes. I guess, my oven is running too hot



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