Homestyle Tuna Salad Sandwich

"Simple and easy to make, yet a crowd pleaser. I usually make this for picnics or as finger foods when we are cooking out. Make any changes as necessary to suit your tastes."
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
photo by lazyme
photo by Lynn in MA photo by Lynn in MA
photo by looneytunesfan photo by looneytunesfan
Ready In:




  • Drain tuna fish and put in mixing bowl.
  • Add in celery, onion, mayo, mustard, relish and pepper.
  • Spread tuna salad on bread (tastes great toasted as well).
  • Top with tomato slices and lettuce.
  • Enjoy!

Questions & Replies

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  1. Simple and good. I like tuna sandwiches with the celery and relish in them. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
  2. Good, simple tuna sandwich. I made mine w/o celery and onion and tomato b/c I was out. Chose not to use the pepper as well. Still good, but I would make it with the extras if I had them. Good to know they are not necessities though. Thanks Miss Tinkerbell!
  3. The taste is very good, refreshing and has a tiny crunch with the finely chopped onion and celery in there. Next time I think I will add another can of tuna, as it seemed I had a little more celery and onion than tuna. I think this could have been because of the medium to large size of the onion and celery ribs I used. I also used about 3-4 tablespoons more of mayonaise. This recipe is an improvement from the one I had, so I'll be making this again. We also add cheese to our tuna sandwiches. I encourage people to give this one a try, its pretty good. Thanks!
  4. Total hit! I even impressed our company's chef with this one!
  5. Very good lunch. I did leave out the onion and celery tho as a personal preference otherwise made it as directed.


I am always looking for a good, wholesome recipe that doesn't demand too much of my time, yet tastes great.
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