Homemade Pecan Butter

"Just like peanut butter, but peanut-free! Made for a child who was allergic to peanuts but not tree nuts. For the pecans, you can roast them or do this raw with the bags of chopped pecans available in the baking aisle. Vegetable oil can be substituted with safflower, canola, etc."
photo by alligirl photo by alligirl
photo by alligirl
photo by sicxemxbears photo by sicxemxbears
Ready In:
14 tablespoons


  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 12 - 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 18 teaspoon salt


  • If roasting pecans, place on a greased cookie sheet in preheated 350 degree oven. Spread them out in a thin layer to roast evenly.
  • Roast for 5 minutes, stir, then roast for another 5 minutes until you can smell them. Take care not to scorch them!
  • As soon as they come out of the oven, place them on a flat plate or piece of parchment paper to cool.
  • Add cooled pecans to food processor and blend on HIGH until finely ground, 2-3 minutes.
  • Add vegetable oil 1/2 tbs at a time and continue to blend until butter reaches desired consistency.
  • Add salt to taste.
  • Place in an airtight container and store in the fridge. Usually, this will keep 1 to 2 months if you used fresh nuts. Storing at room temperature will accelerate rancidification.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I make pecan butter occassionally and have not needed oil in the past - more time in the food processor eliminates the need for additional oil - at some point of the processing/scraping the oil in the pecans release and is sufficient (could be varietal but give the pecans a chance to oil up on their own if you can)<br/><br/>Also - Try adding:<br/><br/>1 T of honey to every 2 cups of pecan pieces<br/>or<br/>1 T dark corn syrup and 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract to 2 cups pecan pieces.<br/>or <br/>1-2 T Grade B maple syrup. to 2 cups pecan pieces.<br/><br/>Takes pecan butter to a whole different level. You can divide a plain batch of butter and stir in the adjuncts (in smaller quantities) to see which you like the best..
  2. Yummy! I've made almond and sunflower seed butter, but never pecan. I just drizzled in oil until it was at the consistency I wanted, then I added some erythritol and cinnamon just to have something sweet but not too carby. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Butter from pecans; can't go wrong with that! I roasted my pecans, 'cause I was interested to see if the flavor was enhanced. I do think the roasting gives a depth that just plain pecans would not give. I also used about 1 1/2 tsp. of vegetable oil, and I think 1 tsp. would have been sufficient. I used mine on a bagel, and WOW, was it good and diiferent! Thanks for sharing, sicxemxbears. Made for Spring PAC 2010 - http://www.recipezaar.com/bb/viewtopic.zsp?t=327498&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
  4. I'm a big fan of peanut butter & other spreads so you r recipe tweaked my curiousity! I did make 2 batches, one with roasted nuts & one without, & must say that a like the roasted nut butter better, probably just because of the added flavor! We enjoyed it mixed with a dark, tasty honey & spread on thick slices of whole wheat bread! [Made & reviewed for one of my aodptees in the current round Pick A Chef] Want to check out PAC? Here's a link = http://www.recipezaar.com/bb/viewtopic.zsp?t=327498


Just a gal who loves to cook!
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