Homemade Chicken Stock for Cooking

"Here's another chicken recipe frommy personal computer cache. Do not use a crock pot for this unless you have a REALLY BIG one! This sotck can be used in many different ways. The directions may seem daunting but they are just to aquaint you with the possibilities of ingredients. Most of the time is for cooking."
photo by Tinkerbell photo by Tinkerbell
photo by Tinkerbell
photo by ChefLee photo by ChefLee
photo by ChefLee photo by ChefLee
photo by ChefLee photo by ChefLee
photo by ChefLee photo by ChefLee
Ready In:
2hrs 20mins
2 gallons stock




  • Place a whole chicken in a large pot of water with a large amount of water with washed (no need to peel) large carrots cut into managable pieces, a large onion, quartered (also not peeled -- the peels seem to add more color and taste to the stock), 6 or 8 stalks of celery with their tops, also cut into managable pieces, a bunch of parsley, (you can leave it whole too) a head of seperated, unpeeled garlic cloves, a few bay leaves, 10 or 12 whole peppercorns and whatever else stikes my fancy at the time that seems as tho it might work with a chicken stock.
  • Also could add a turnip, shallots or anything else that will work that is in your fridge, and needs to be used up.
  • Bring to a boil, cover and simmer to get all the flavor out of your herbs and vegetables. It could take a couple of hours to get every little bit of flavor. Drain into a colander (make sure you have something under it to catch the stock. Missing this step can be frustrating; to smell it cooking for so long, look forward to a delicious stock and then dump it down the drain because you forgot to place a container under the colander).
  • Return the stock to the pan and simmer to reduce the stock and enrich the flavor.
  • You can add salt if you like, but I don't usually because I will probably salt whatever I will make with the broth. I don't think you will miss it.
  • The vegetables and herbs season the stock up nicely.
  • Never toss a turkey carcass without treating it as a stock option.
  • Break it up to fit if you have to, but never throw it away without making a delicious stock out of it first.
  • Turkey stock makes a delicious soup or stuffing seasoning as a side dish to chicken or base for a gravy.
  • Making stock isn't hard, but it is a little time consuming because of the long cook time.
  • The working part is easy because you don't have to peel anything.
  • The peels are good for the stock and leave lots of good things behind like vitamins.
  • What you throw away has all the good stuff simmered out of and into your broth. (This is the reason I cringe when someone is going to boil their meat before grilling. What a waste of wonderful flavor to be poured down the drain).
  • Try it sometime on a day off when you have a few hours to make the stock.
  • I have heard of making it in a crockpot, but I can't imagine doing so because of all the stuff you add to the pot.
  • My crockpot just would not be big enough, but my stock pan is great and makes a decent amount of stock.
  • I can get 2 - 1 gallon size freezer bags out of one chicken.
  • It makes the best chicken soup, but use fresh chicken and vegetables because those make the best tasting stock.

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  1. Oct 8, 2009: I am so excited! I can already hear the screams of horror when I admit that I'm the one that throws out any carcass, usually barely eaten because I hate cutting through or near bones. I know I'm a huge waster. I don't like it, but that's the way it's always been. Until now! Thanks to your recipe, Nana Lee, I just made my first chicken stock. But even more impressive for me was that I used WHOLE vegetables without waste! I used 1 onion, 1 leek, a whole head of garlic, 3 celery stalks & carrots. I cannot even tell you how excited I was! Well, maybe I can. I made DH & DS come look into the pot - they expected some delicious looking concoction, of course & wondered what had gotten into me when they saw chicken bones floating around with leaves & peels! And there I was looking wide-eyed, like Christmas came early! I chose this recipe simply because your instructions were detailed, simple & funny. They're written so that I felt like you were standing in front of me telling me the recipe. I loved that! It gave me the homey, relaxed feeling I needed to believe that I could make my own stock. Thank you for sharing your recipe, Nana Lee! It's greatly appreciated! Oh, it smells amazing too! :) UPDATE: Oct 10, 2009 - I forgot to mention above that I had already cooked my chicken for another recipe & then found this one. So I started this by browning the bones in a little oil first & then continued with this recipe entirely. I can't wait to make it with the whole chicken. This was the best tasting stock I've ever had. Much better than canned! I used it for my Recipe #280784 & loved that everything was now homemade! Thanks again, Nana Lee! :)
  2. I've always wanted to make my own stock but it seemed too much work. This was a very easy recipe to follow and I was able to use up alot of vegetables and fresh herbs I had in the refrigerator. The stock came out great and I have about 1 gallon of stock in the freezer. Thanks for posting. No more canned stock for me.
  3. This is the way Mom always made stock. I feel guilty every time I throw a carcass away, but I assure myself I'm just too busy to bother. The no peel factor in this recipe allowed to feel I had time to do it today. One tip, put the water in last - that way you won't have to take any off the top because you think of more ingredients to add to the mix as it's cooking. Excellent results for very little effort and no unknown chemical flavor / preservatives as in the store bought varieties.
  4. I always make stock--just like this! I have even been known to save just the peels and skins from whatever vegetables I am using and toss those in with a carcass--it also is great. Stock is one of the best ways to recycle! Thanks!
  5. This is how I make stock a lot of the time, just put in whatever vegetables are left in your fridge. This time,,, along with the garlic, onions, and carrots, I threw in parsnips. I used thyme, bay leaves, and peppercorns. The stock was rich and a deep flavor from the parsnips. I am chilling to remove the fat from the top then I will strain and keep in the freezer until needed, thanks for the recipe!!


<p>Click to feed animals I'm a retired teacher now living in&nbsp;the Jamaica Plain area of Boston. I have one daughter, 2 granddaughters, and 1 great-grandson(17 yo Dec '11)! I've travelled a bit throughout Europe and the U.S. as well as Honduras and Costa Rica. I think I may have some gypsy ancestors! I love to travel but am not able to anymore. So I do a LOT of reading instead. My current craft passion is knittng but I have dabbled in just about everything. I've done leaded glass work(stained glass), which I love; am working on counted cross stitch; and am willing to try any craft, at least once! I've also worked for a major insurance company as a case analyst. I have 2 cats, Teddy BB 11 .o. on the 19th of Feb, and CiCi who will be 5 years old on Mar 6th. src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/orn.jpg&gt;</p>
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