Herb-Steamed Chilean Sea Bass

"this is not my own personal recipe, i added it for the zaar world tour game and now zaar reps refuse to remove it."
photo by Caroline Cooks photo by Caroline Cooks
photo by Caroline Cooks
photo by Caroline Cooks photo by Caroline Cooks
Ready In:




  • Cut the sea bass in half horizontally.
  • Season the inside with salt and pepper and fill the center with the chopped herbs.
  • Reassemble the sea bass and season the outside with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Wrap in plastic wrap.
  • Steam the sea bass in an 8-inch, flat-bottomed steamer, covered, for 6 minutes, or until it is barely opaque.
  • To assemble: Remove the plastic wrap.
  • Use a very sharp knife to cut the fish into eight 2-inch wedges.
  • Choose a flat, colorful plate to set off the dramatic form of the fish.
  • Stand one wedge on its end and show the herb filling of the other.
  • Garnish with fresh herbs.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Very delicious! Didn't cut in half, since my fillets were only 1/2" thick, but I used the herbs with some minced garlic (as Ravenseyes suggested) and drizzle with some fresh lemon. YUM!
  2. This is wonderful! I followed Ravenseye's advice and added very thinly sliced garlic and sliced lemon. Delicious. The aroma was just great when I open up the wrap. Since it was just for me I did a half recipe and then with the leftovers I am going to have that with a salad for lunch tomorrow. I think that will be really nice.
  3. This was a prefectly wonderful dish that I added to our seafood buffet yesterday - the seasoning just about dead on - I added a little garlic and lemon butter on the side for those that wanted to crank it up a notch and it seemed that most did so I perhaps next time I would add a clove of mashed garlic to the herb mixture and throw in a few lemon slices - made for zingo 2008



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