Heidi's Magic Sauce

"I picked this recipe up from one of my most favourite, if not my most favourite blogs, 101 Cookbooks. Heidi says about it, "I call this magic sauce. In part, because it makes everything it touches shimmer with deliciousness. It's magic like that. Technically, it's a riff on a chimichurri sauce - one that veered off the rails in a big way. Much tweaking has rendered it a distant second cousin. If that. In fact, the hallmark of that sauce, parsley, I skip entirely. But I love this. Love love love. And I use it a hundred different ways." And well, it just sounds magic to me - so I've put it here for safekeeping."
photo by gailanng photo by gailanng
photo by gailanng
Ready In:




  • Gently warm the olive oil over medium-low heat in a skillet or pan, until it is just hot. When hot remove from heat.
  • While the oil is heating, lightly pound the rosemary, thyme, and oregano in a mortar and pestle.
  • Stir the paprika, garlic, bay leaf, red pepper flakes, and salt into the oil. Then add the bruised herbs and lemon juice.
  • You can use this now, but know - the oil just gets better as it ages over a few days. Keep it in a refrigerator for up to a week/ten days-ish. It thickens up when cold, so if you need it in a liquid state, place it in the sun or in a warm place for a few minutes.
  • Makes ~2/3 cup.

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  1. Excellent! Should I ever decide to run away from life, I shall be taking this recipe with me.
  2. I think I love love it too! Great thing to have on hand, especially for those times you don't quite know what you want to do, just quickly saute something in it and you've got something delicious (as I did the other day with zucchini and leftover rice). I'm assuming you're not meant to eat the herbs (like the crumbled bay leaf), so I've just been skimming off the top.


I'm a now vegan who used to make one heck of a souvlaki. I love cooking, I was a huge fan of Moosewood and Molly Katzen prior to going vegan (although that has nothing to do with my choosing the name Katzen - that's just what my German Grandma has called me all my life.) Aside from cooking, I also love scuba diving, cycling, politics, and reading.
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