Halloween Poke Cake

"I have long been a fan of other "poke cakes", because the fruity gelatins make the cake incredibly moist and give it a nice burst of flavor. I thought this would be a nice rendition for Halloween. It comes from Quick Cooking magazine."
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by plainchicken photo by plainchicken
photo by GlamAtomic photo by GlamAtomic
photo by GlamAtomic photo by GlamAtomic
Ready In:




  • Prepare and bake the cake according to package directions, using a 9X13 baking pan.
  • Cool on wire rack for 1 hour.
  • In small bowl, dissolve gelatin in boiling water and then stir in cold water.
  • With a meat fork or wooden skewer, poke holes in cake about 2 inches apart in all directions.
  • Slowly pour gelatin over cake.
  • Refrigerate 2-3 hours.
  • For frosting, in a small mixing bowl cream butter until fluffy.
  • Beat in confectioners sugar, cocoa, milk and vanilla until smooth.
  • Spread over cake.
  • Top with candied pumpkins.
  • Cover and refrigerate until serving.

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  1. I love poke cakes and this was no exception! I did tweak it a tiny bit- I substituted half the water with Grand Marnier when making the Jello! Also, I divided this into two separate 9x9" pans so I had one cake to bring to work, and one cake to keep! It was a definite hit at work- the Jello Grand Marnier made the cake very moist and gave it a nice flavor! Definitely worthwhile!
  2. I had plans to make this during Halloween week, but forgot about it until this week. A little late, but that's ok. I also could not locate any of the little pumpkins after Halloween, so I used regular candy corn. Cake is supper moist as all pokes cakes are. You even use a can frosting to save time. Nice treat for Halloween or just Fall. Thanks!
  3. Looks great!
  4. I made this last year for Halloween for my family and they loved it! I think that this will be a yearly tradition for us! Thank you for DogAndCatDoc for sharing this wonderful recipe with everyone!
  5. Little late on making this for Halloween, but convinced my DS's candy corn pumpkins are during the fall season in general! Like why would they care? It is cake after all! My family enjoyed this, I don't care for sweets, so 'I' couldn't rate it..their smiles said it all. It wasn't wet like a Christmas poke cake that I've made in the past Thanks DogandCatDoc!


  1. I love poke cakes and this was no exception! I did tweak it a tiny bit- I substituted half the water with Grand Marnier when making the Jello! Also, I divided this into two separate 9x9" pans so I had one cake to bring to work, and one cake to keep! It was a definite hit at work- the Jello Grand Marnier made the cake very moist and gave it a nice flavor! Definitely worthwhile!


I live in a small town in Oregon, still awaiting our first stop light. I work in a neighboring town as a small animal veterinarian, part-time. I have a four year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I have two large horses, a miniature horse, one dog and one cat. My husband and I enjoy anything in the out of doors. Besides spending time with family and our animals, my family and I enjoy being involved in our church and spending time with friends. Although many of my recipes posted are of desserts I like to make for family or friends, I have for the last several years ascribed to a healthier lifestyle...eating lots of protein, veggies and fruits. No, I am not a low carber....I eat the right carbs....brown rice, whole wheat bread and all in moderation. I do have several recipes posted that I use often that adhere to these guidelines. When you combine eating nutrient dense foods with monitoring your caloric intake, you can't help but be healthy! There is an awesome free website that you can use along with Zaar to help meet these goals. It is www.calorie-count.com. It takes a day or two to learn how to use it...but it is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to analyze what they eat and figure out what your caloric expenditures and allowances should be. Like Zaar it also had a wonderful community of people with a common interest...staying healthy while enjoying foods. OK...enough of the plug...but I really do love that website! Zaar has been great for finding recipes that fit this lifestyle...many recipes can simply be modified to be healthy. The variety this gives us has made the difference in getting the whole family to eat that way....that's right...I don't think my daughter has tasted white bread more than two to three times in her life!!! On all four of her birthdays she turned up her nose at the cake I baked her (a once a year exception)....which made me so happy!! So thank you Zaar....for contributing to our healthy lifestyle...couldn't do it without you!!!
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