Groovy Smoothies 2007

"my favourite smoothie recipe, I am 8 years old and every morning I make myself a smoothie to start the day. I make this using fresh pineapple too. Mom watches while I use the magic bullet machine or the blender which makes cooking fun."
photo by kiwidutch photo by kiwidutch
photo by kiwidutch
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  • Remove the peel from banana and using a table knife cut the banana into chunks.
  • Put the fruit, yogurt, and milk into a blender.
  • Cover the top with the lid and blend on high speed until nice and smooth.
  • Turn off blender and pour into a glass.
  • Use the scraper to get all of the drink out of the blender.
  • This makes one serving, you can double the recipe for two kids.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This was very good -- and using the frozen strawberries is a great idea (but could easily be done using fresh and some crushed ice as others have mentioned too when they are in season!).
  2. At our house we all love smoothies especially with bananas and yogurt! Adding strawberries makes this extra good. Whenever we had fresh strawberries on hand this summer out came the blender - with the fresh berries used some crushed ice. This is equally good with frozen strawberries. We all gave this the thumbs up and an all agreed - five stars for your Smoothie combination making it the one we will be serving over the holidays. Thank you for sharing.
  3. I used a stick blender and this whipped up in moments. The banana makes it rather thick, but the tast is lovely. Not having access to frozen strawberries here in the Netherlands, I used fresh and the flavour came though very nicely indeed. Please see my rating system: a wonderful 4 stars for a smoothie I will definiately be making again. Thanks Dinglebop!
  4. Simple and quite good. It's really important to get good tasting yogurt. My changes were: I used 6oz of yogurt, which is one container and about 3/4, a handful of strawberries, a medium ripe banana, and a handfull of ice for texture.


I love to cook with my Grandma! Grandma is a wonderful cook, and makes me lots of yummy goodies. Grandma also makes sure that I eat good healthy food so my brother and I will grow up big and strong. Recipezaar has been a fun site where Grandma and I look for new easy to make recipes for us to test. I like the testing part best of all! I have learned that I don't like wasabi, it was hot and I had to spit it out. <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src="">
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