Gravy Icing (For Cakes)

"This cake icing is something my mum used to make, and her mum before her, and is wonderful on chocolate or orange flavored cake or red velvets. It's really hard describing what this icing is like, except to say that it doesn't have that super sweet taste of icings made with confectionary sugars. More of the sweetness of a sweet whipped cream."
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Ready In:
1 cake




  • Start this icing before you bake your cake. By the time the cake is done and cooled, the cooked portion of this recipe is cooled enough to do the last steps.
  • Put flour in a small, heavy saucepan. Whisk the milk into the flour slowly so you have no lumps. Add salt and vanilla.
  • Over a low heat, cook the mixture, stirring constantly so you don't scorch it, until it is thick and pasty (will form into a sort of soft ball). Once it gets to this stage, take it off the heat and set the pan, uncovered, into the refrigerator.
  • When flour goop is completely cooled (cold), combine it in a large mixing bowl with the sugar, shortening and butter. Whip with electric mixer -- whip whip whip -- and keep whipping until on a taste test it's smooth and the sugar is not "grainy". The whipping process can (and does) take several minutes.
  • Yields enough icing to ice one COMPLETELY COOLED 2-layer cake (lay it on thick!). Store frosted cake in the refrigerator.
  • Note: DO NOT soften or melt the butter in the microwave. Just set it out in the morning or the night before you plan on making it.

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I am 44 years old living in the same town I have lived in my whole life. I am the third of six children to a couple of working parents, so helping out in the kitchen (and the yard and the garden, etc) while I was growing up was mandatory. Needless to say, as a result, I learned how to cook for a family of eight on a budget My mother was genius when it came to daily preparing delicious meals for a large family! My mother was the daughter of a german farmer in rural Pennsylvania and old habits die hard, so alot of country cooking, homemade breads, biscuits and the like crossed our table on a regular basis. I am now the mother of a lovely daughter, now 19, and my mother has passed away. The old family favorites still find their way to our dinner table along with many many new favorites...only in much smaller quantities! :) Kit and I love trying new things, or just browsing through cookbooks to ooooh and aahhh at the pictures. <br> <br>Origin of EQJunkie. EQ = Everquest (an online MMORPG)...a game I play often.
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