Gourmet Popcorn With Lime Salt

"The lime salt recipe is from Jaime Oliver via The Purple Foodie. The gourmet popcorn is from our local natural food store's bulk bin and the kernels are various colors: blue, yellow, red, white. Do you notice the difference in colors of the popped kernels in my photo above...? This lime salt mixture works well with oven-baked tortilla chips, too!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
5 cups


  • coconut oil, for popping the corn (about 2 tablespoons)
  • 14 cup multi-colored popcorn (or used standard popcorn)
  • Lime salt

  • 1 teaspoon lime zest
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • smoked salish salt


  • Lime Salt: Finely grate the rind of the lime. Combine the zest with the salt and stir well. You can play around with the ratio of citrus rind to salt to your preference otherwise equal quantities of salt and lime zest usually works. I liked it with more lime zest and less salt.
  • Note: prepare only as much of the lime salt as is needed for the recipe especially if using fresh lime zest (preferred over dried).
  • Popped the popcorn. This is Mr. Cookgirl's method: Heat up the coconut oil in a 10" cast iron skillet on medium heat.
  • Throw one popcorn kernel into the pan. When it starts to sizzle and pop, the oil is ready for popping the popcorn.
  • Place the popcorn kernels in the pan and cover.
  • Place oven mitts on your hands and start to move the pan back and forth on the stove.
  • After about 2-3 minutes (on our gas stove) the popcorn will start to pop. Keep moving the pan back and forth on the burner unti the popping has significantly reduced.
  • *Carefully* take the pan off the stove and again *carefully* remove the lid and transfer the popcorn to a large serving bowl.
  • Stir in the lime zest-salt mixture.
  • Yield is estimated.

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