German Sweet & Sour Eggs Aka Suess-Sauer Eier

"Posted by request. I am sharing this at the request of a member. This may be an acquired taste for some. Translated from a recipe found on a German website."
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  • Heat the oil in a skillet and have ready a cup or two of hot water.
  • Whisk in the flour and cook until brown, stirring constantly--be careful not to burn the flour.
  • Add a small amount of hot water to the pan, whisking well, to create a sauce-like consistency, adding and whisking as needed.
  • Whisk together the vinegar and the sugar, then add as much or as little to the sauce as you like (taste and adjust if necessary).
  • Cook eggs however you like them (pan fried, hard boiled, etc) and serve with the sauce and some potatoes, if desired.

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  1. We start by frying up a couple of pieces of bacon, use that grease, then crumble the bacon in after the sauce has been made, we also cut hard boiled eggs in half and pour the sauce over the hard boiled eggs.
  2. Recipe same as what mom used to make, no lumps it was great. Added a little more water and flour, put eggs in the gravy to cook. Turned out wonderful. Thanks
  3. Glad to finally see a recipe.This dish was in my family too..Mom and Grandma left no recipe. Ive come up w a very good one. I used can crm of pot soup as base add mayo like "salad dressing" to taste stir in half of my hardboiled sliced eggs while hearing.I dish that out over mashed potatoes top w rest of eggs and have chopped canned spinach on the side sometimes add toast.Its really good!
  4. This unfortunately did not work out for me at all. I was unable to achieve a smooth sauce with a well balanced flavor and texture, despite measuring carefully and adding lots of hot water in small batches. I also was greatly disappointed in the flavor. I had orignally shared this recipe for a request, but asked the Elves to remove it from my account because I had such poor results once I tried it. Perhaps you will have more luck than I did at improving this - I cannot recommend the current version.



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