Frozen Blender Mojito

"The flavors of a classic Mojito (mint and lime) are blended into a refreshing slushy. This is a delicious and easy to make cocktail. For a large party, triple the recipe and store the slushy in a pitcher in the freezer for up to an hour. Stir to blend before serving guests. Adapted from Bon Appetit."
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  • Place enough sugar on a small plate to reach depth of 1/4 inch. Run lime wedge around the rim of 4 martinin glasses to moisten. Dip rims into sugar on plate.
  • Blend rum or vodka and 1/3 cup sugar in blender until sugar dissolves. Add ice, blend until smooth, adding up to 1 cup more ice, if desired.
  • Add 12 mint leaves and blend until green flecks appear. Pour into prepared glasses.
  • Garnish with mint sprigs.
  • Sit back and enjoy.

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  1. These were pretty good but too strong for me - I blended then added soda water to water it down a bit. Made for My 3 chefs


<img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> It has taken me a long time to update this page, but this website has been one that I go to every single day (okay, maybe every other day, but you get the idea), so I finally decided I should share a little about myself and my family. I am a Registered Nurse part-time and a full-time mother of two beautiful daughters. My husband I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary this year. Being with my family is a great joy to me and cooking for them is a pleasure! I love to try new foods and I am fortunate that so does everyone else in the family (well, except the 5 year old who is "picky" - but at least occasionally starting to try new foods!). RecipeZaar helps me explore new food and has given me many yummy "repeat" recipes that have become "standard" in our home. Thanks to everyone who posts, reviews and shares tips on this website. Thanks, too, to those who maintain RecipeZaar's website - all your hard work and attention to detail are what set this site way above any other recipe site. It is great to have a "world wide cookbook" at my fingertips!!
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