Frosted Peanut Butter Bars

"There were very few things my friends and I would eat from our high school cafeteria. This was one of the few. It was a small town, so someone could always get the recipe from someone. Hope you like them!"
photo by flower7 photo by flower7
photo by flower7
photo by flower7 photo by flower7
Ready In:




  • Cream the first 6 ingredients.
  • Add the final 4 mixing well.
  • Spread on large greased cookie sheet.
  • Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, combine all frosting ingredients (will be fairly stiff), mix well and spread on slightly warm cookies. Cut and serve.

Questions & Replies

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  1. The bar part of the recipe is correct. However, for the right thickness of the bars use a sheet cake size pan or I use 2 - 9 x 13 pans for the right thickness. Also, here is the correct frosting recipe for the peanut butter bars: 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 3/4 cup peanut butter, 3/8 cup margarine/butter and then add 1-3 teaspoons of milk to thin slightly to spread the frosting.
  2. These were okay but had a dry, cakey texture. I wonder what size cookie sheet was too be used - mine was 11X15 & the bars were really thick. I also had to fiddle with the frosting, adding extra pb & milk to get the flavour & consistency right.
  3. I'm so excited!! I have literally been searching for this recipe since high school. I was telling my kids about these the other day and I decided to try to find it one more time so I can share this lunchroom fav with them. Thank you for posting this.
  4. A delicious memory of my childhood. I take a bite, close my eyes and remember a simpler time. I had no trouble with this recipe, frosting turned out delicious and spread fine on the warm bars.
  5. Oh my gosh! I have been wanting this recipe for YEARS! I haven't had one since High School! They were my FAVORITE item from M.E.'s cafeteria! I'm super excited to try this recipe! Thanks! -Michelle-



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