Frieten (Belgian French Fries)

"In English, frieten are usually called "French fries" even though the Belgians state, that they originate from Belgium and there is nothing French about them."
photo by breezermom photo by breezermom
photo by breezermom
photo by Bonnie G #2 photo by Bonnie G #2
Ready In:
1 kg




  • Cut the potatoes in the form of French fries and rinse them well with water. make them dry with a clean dish cloth.
  • Deep fry them 5 minutes at 150 degrees Celsius,
  • take them out of the oil and leave them to cool down.
  • Heat the oil to 180 degrees Celsius and deep fry the fries until they are crispy on the outside and golden brown (about 5 minutes).
  • Sprinkle with salt and serve with mayonnaise.

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  1. Cut this recipe in half, otherwise made as posted . Nice to have fries that were not store bought. Nice aand crispy, and enjoyed as a side to lunch. Made for 1-2-3 hits
  2. As my husband said, "awesome fries." :-) I left the peels on, and fried them in a small pot in batches. I also drained them on a rack before serving. For ZWT6 family picks.
  3. Great fries. In addition to frying twice, I soaked them in water for 3 hours to remove the starch....this makes for a "crispier" fry. Made for ZWT6 for the Unrulies Under the Influence.
  4. LOVED these fries, the double fry method really makes a differance. Came out soft inside and crunchy out - YUM; The only think I did differant than directed is I did not peel the potatoes. These are wonderful and will be the way I prepare fries from now on. Made for ZWT #6


My Family and I moved to South Africa at the beginning of 2007 to be missionaries. My Husband is the Pastor of a church in Eden Park, a township in the Jo'burg area. We are having a great time. My kids love it (3 of them, 1 born here). We have got to do many exciting things( pet lion cubs, feed giraffes, eat Zebra(gross!)and other meats(Warthog was surprisingly the best, go figure) and swim on a beach with penguins, to name a few). I have always loved to bake but just got into cooking since moving over here. There were a lot of things I couldn't find over here(and still can't) that we were wanting so I started searching for good recipes for everything from sausage, salad dressing and root beer,to enchilada sauce, Macayo's baja sauce(posted), and Applebees hot wings! A fellow missionary turned me on to this site and My husband got me a membership for this last birthday. I am loving it!
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