Forget Mashed Pototos! Save Your Heart & Life! Make This

"Here's an interesting fact: a potato is less nutritious when you mash it! even without adding a thing to it -just the process of mashing it and eating it - turns it into PURE SUGAR, by eating the potato WHOLE (not mashing it) the body has to work really hard to mash that potato in your stomach. My making mash potatos is like taking anti-biotics when you don't need them: you're artificially altering something that YOUR BODY is supposed to be doing itself. ANYWAY.... Mashed potatos are BAD NEWS PEOPLE! BAD, BAD NEWS! Spikes your insulin level and that's assuming you haven't added poison like butter, sour cream and bacon! The you're REALLY talking trouble. So, I know! I know! You don't want to live your live eating "salad" for every meal. You want to still have your favorites; ME TOO! And lucky you! I found a few ways to CHEAT DEATH and ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE DISHES TOO!!!! This is my secret recipe for "MASHED CALIFLOWER & BROCCOLI" You CAN make this with just cauliflower if you really want it to look like Mashed Potatos. If you're going to do that, then just replace the head of broccoli with a 2nd head of cauliflower. Boom, done, easy. The reason I chose to add broccoli to this is because of the POWERFUL ANTI-CANCER properties broccoli has (and Garlic!) However, if you use the broccoli, yes, this will have a green- hue to it, LOL! (Taste Fantastic though!) I like this recipe like I used to like my mashed pototo: CHUNKY. But, when you are making this, because it's not a potato - go a head and make this as sooth as you want - the nutritional quality of cauliflower and broccoli will not be ruined! Oh, if you MUST (and PLEASE TRY TO RESIST) add a little bit of rice/soy/fat-free milk. LOOK AT THE NUTRITION LABLE FOR THIS RECIPE ===> Please don't ruin this by adding the following poisons: Butter/Sour cream/Bacon/Cheese unless you're going to add it S-P-A-R-I-N-G-L-Y I'd rather you use a garlic flavored olive oil instead."
photo by SugarHATER photo by SugarHATER
photo by SugarHATER
Ready In:




  • Place cauliflower, broccoli, veggie broth, salt and pepper in a pot and cover.
  • Steam for 20-25 minutes until cauliflower and broccoli are soft.
  • Puree boccoli, cauliflower and garlic in a food processor until smooth, adding veggie broth as needed.***.
  • If you don't have a food processor - mash these like you'd mash potatos.

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  1. I made this with only cauliflower. I wanted to like it but it really doesn't have the mouth "feel" of real mashed potatoes. Hubby said he would like to try it mixed with some potatoes. I agree although as written I think it can work if you had a rich gravy to pour over the top. I just served it with butter on top. I steamed the cauli in the microwave and used 3 large cloves of garlic which I had roasted over a frying pan. Any more would have been too much IMO.



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