Farmhouse Ham, Cheese and Sauerkraut Sandwiches

"This one screams old-timey, German, "down-home," and "comfort food" all at once! Sandwiches can be assembled ahead of time, covered & chilled. At meal-time, bake as directed. Thanks to *Midwest Living* for this awesome recipe and the excellent alternatives featuring midwest-region crops."
photo by KerfuffleUponWincle photo by KerfuffleUponWincle
photo by KerfuffleUponWincle
photo by Boomette photo by Boomette
photo by LucyS-D photo by LucyS-D
Ready In:
6 slamwiches




  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • In a small mixing bowl, combine mayo, sour cream, seeds & pepper; stir in kraut; set aside.
  • On a foil-lined baking sheet, place six slices bread--first brush each with melted butter (save some for the other half of the sammie); top with a slice of cheese, then 1/6th of the kraut mixture,then a slice of ham and two slices of cheese--do this on all six slices of bread.
  • Brush remaining six slices of bread with melted butter; place on cheese--with butter side up, to make six sandwiches.
  • Bake for 10 minutes (cheese is melted, bread is lightly browned)--turn once during that time.
  • Remove from oven; slice diagonally, serve with pickles.
  • SEPTEMBER HARVEST: Remember Johnny Appleseed by placing a few thin slices of apple between the ham and cheese.
  • NEBRASKA REUBEN: Salute Omaha's claim to fame and use thinly sliced corned beef instead of the ham.
  • CRUNCHY BITES: Add a few sunflower kernels to the sauerkraut mixture and honor those hardy souls in North Dakota who raise huge fields of sunflowers!
  • BOOST YOUR PROTEIN: Stir about a 1/4-cup of cooked edible soybeans (edamame) into the sauerkraut mixture and thank a South Dakota farmer!

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  1. believe it or not, this made one DELICIOUS breakfast this morning! I nixed the sour cream/caraway seeds, as I was lacking, but the crunch on this sandwich was SO GOOD! I went to put potato chips on, as well (as I do, all of my sandwiches), but after the first bite .. I forgot all about them ! I did use wheat bread, but that made no difference in the tastiness, here! thank you!
  2. This sandwich was great! A half of this was all I could manage to eat.....especially since I was having soup, too! Really.....this is definitely worth making more than once! or twice! or thrice.......getting the drift here! Thnx for posting, Debber. Made for the Voracious Vagabonds for ZWT6.
  3. It's a good sandwiche. A bit different than what I'm used to. I used light mayonnaise, fat free sour cream. I liked the taste of caraway seed. And the sauerkraut added to it was great. The bread I used was hard to turn golden. But it was really crunchy. I think another time I may omit the sour cream. I used gruyere swiss cheese. Thanks Debber :) Made for the Zwizzle Chicks of ZWT
  4. The slaw was really nice. I made the mistake of not using a good bread (I think pumpernickel would be terrific) and succumbed to the temptation to PRESS the sandwich like a panini. Okay, those were mistakes. Prepare this as written, or else! Made for ZWT 6.
  5. I made the apple variation of this sandwich for our lunch today and we all enjoyed it. Thanks.


<p><img src= alt=/ /> &lt;&gt;&lt; wife &amp; mother of seven (four adopted foster children grown up now &amp; three biologicals)--my baby(!!!) is a 12th grader! ... plus five grandkids (ages 5 - 21 y.o.); been married 34 years now to the *same wonderful &lt;&gt;&lt; man.* .....</p> <p>Love cooking and being the happy little home-maker. .....</p> <p>Enjoy writing my own blogs and maintaining their FB pages:</p> <p>Blog, Facebook, Pinterest: &nbsp; (Twitter handle @Titus2Friends )<br />Blog, Facebook, Pinterest: &nbsp; (Twitter handle @NatureLessons )&nbsp;</p> <p>Pinterest: &nbsp;<a href=></a> &nbsp;</p> <p>Instagram: &nbsp;<a href=></a></p> <p>..... as well as quilting, writing, flower-gardening, and home-organizing, ...and very active in our &lt;&gt;&lt; church, Bible study, teaching, and singing alto in choir. Plan to get back to writing and earning money at it!&nbsp;&nbsp; AND I work as a virtual assistant--check out for more info on VA-ing.</p> <p>&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;***God is good!***&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;<br /> <br /><strong><em>. . . C O N T E S T S . . . </em></strong><br /> <br />My little Rosebud Cottage was a winner in the Basic Category in the 2009 Gingerbread House-Making Contest. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>.&nbsp;</p> <p>. <br /><strong>B A R B E C U E ... S A U C E</strong></p> <p>I entered my mother-in-law's excellent recipe in the contest (Recipe #241146) and won the Family Friendly category! &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><img src= alt=/ /></p> <p><br /><span>. . . E V E N T S . . .&nbsp;</span><br /> <br /><strong>Z A A R . . W O R L D . . . T O U R</strong></p> <p><img src= alt=/ /></p> <p>My gastronomically GROOVIN' team mates are the lovely and talented Team Captain: CraftScout #463202, our equally talented &amp; hip CookBook Guru (staying in the 70's mode) JackieOhNo! #386585, and a slew of Gnome-warriors including Gandalf The White #167236, Az G 946146, kellychris #416985, luvcook'n #308434, Axe #310749, NELady #743849, and sarahubasics #744296 <br /> <br />WE TOOK 5TH PLACE (no thanks to me---I was along for the ride, but unfortunately didn't get to participate very much--with an emergency trip to Montana!)!!!!&nbsp;<br /><img src= alt=/ /> <br />My fellow hagsters included AmandaInOz, <br />CaliforniaJan, DreamoBway (Christina), JanuaryBride (Jen), JCC (Janice), jkoch960 (also Janice!), megnbrycesmom (Holly), Queenofcamping (Karen), and our lovely team captain Leggy Peggy. <br /> <br />My floozeriffic Fantabulous Friendly Foodie Floozy team-mates included captain Chef #28729 (Iowa), Chef #37036 (Texas), Chef #37449 (No. Carolina), Chef #107135 (Nebraska), Tina Chef #222055, Chef #337668 (Colorado), Chef #448342 (Colorado), Chef #306797 (Australia), and Leanne Chef #416807 (Canada). ...June/July 2007&nbsp;<br /> <br /><strong>. . . M Y . . T H R E E . . C H E F S . . . </strong><br /> <br />2009 (November) <img src= alt=/ />My themes were Rise-n-Shine Breakfast and Autumn Suppers OAMC <br /> <br />2008 (Summer) <img src= alt=/ /> My themes were Ruh! Ruh! Rhubarb! and Sparrow Guts! and Quick Fix: Pizza For Lunch! <br /> <br />2007 (June) <br />My themes were <br />*Picnic &amp; Lunch Box Snacks* <br />*Canning Up Summer's Bounty* <br /> <br /><strong>. . . P I C K - A - C H E F . . . </strong><br /> <br />PAC Autumn '09 <br /><img src= alt=/ /><img src= alt=/ /> <br />My children were Chef #1273716 and chef #321816; my mother was Chef #226863. <br /> <br />PAC Spring '09.... <br /><img src= alt=/ /><img src= alt=/ /> <br />I adopted Chef #176481 and Chef #892963. I then had a late-in-PAC baby named Chef #619505.... And I was adopted by Mom2Rose!!! <br /> <br />PAC Autumn '08 ... <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />My small family included Chef #434123; and then I got myself adopted by Chef #361931(my sheep-mother, NOT my step mother!). :rofl: <br /> <br />PAC Spring '08 ... <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /><img src= border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br />My children Chef #797028, Chef #532407, Chef #28177, Chef #510821, Chef #356933 &amp; Chef #429493 and from the preemie nursery I picked up Chef #488944 and Chef #665370. Charlotte J was my little mother! <br /> <br />PAC Autumn '07 ... <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /> My children were Chef #179488 from KY, Chef #207616 from NC, Chef #38901 from TX...and from the newborn nursery Chef #351525 and Chef #21667, and my littlest one is Chef #469264 all the way from the Philippines! And I was adopted by Chef #451700 over in Norway! She took the MOST beautiful pictures of my recipes!!! <br /> <br />PAC Spring '07 . . . <br /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /><img src= border=0 alt=Photo /> My children included Chef #396078, Chef #402846, Chef #37593, Chef #122993, Chef #48439 from the Newborn Nursery, Chef #321820, Chef #59476, Chef #293042, Chef #236959, and Chef #196248. ... I was adopted by Chef #186802 <br /><br />&nbsp;<br /></p>
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