English Cucumber Tea Sandwiches

"This is traditional English fare for tea. They are very dainty and quaint to eat if you are having a tea party. It makes you feel like a queen. Dry parsley or dry dill may be sprinkled on in place of the fresh parsley."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
12 sandwiches


  • 12 slices white bread or 12 slices whole wheat bread, round circles
  • 1 cucumber (thinly sliced)
  • 2 tablespoons butter (soft)
  • 1 (8 ounce) container whipped cream cheese
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 sprig fresh parsley


  • Cut out rounds out of bread--white or wheat.
  • Spread each round with butter.
  • Spread a tad of soft cream cheese on top of the butter.
  • Place a cucumber slice on top of this.
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  • Put a tiny piece of parsley on top OR sprinkle a little dry parsley or dill on top.
  • Refrigerate.

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  1. You get 5 stars for saving me in an awkward situation!!! I know cucumber sandwiches are not top gourmet food, but thank you, Mimi!! I picked your recipe from among the other (quite similar) recipes because I had the ingredients and liked the cream cheese for making it slightly more filling. Brief tale: we had a few household emergencies all at once: a burst hot water tank, and then another plumbing disaster in the kitchen. Between the comings and goings and water dramas I completely forgot that two professional women were coming to see my husband, and they'd be just off a plane from Johannesburg: they'd have to be fed something light -- 11.30am! Panic stations! I didn't have whipped cream cheese, just ordinary, so beat it within an inch of its life to lighten and soften it. I used white pepper and Maldon salt. I used my potato peeler to peel long strips off the (long English) cucumber, because it's easier to slice thinly and cover the bread. Let me mention that this was about all I had available for snacks, plus vacuum-packed cold meats, so I was able to make up a platter, with cheese cubes and gherkins. Whew!! I made tea, and they were fine. They happen to be pencil slim, so probably would not have welcomed the baked goods I had in mind before the plumbing catastrophes!!


<p>John 3:3 <br />Psalm 91 <br /><br />We are born-again Christians and love the Lord Jesus Christ with all our being.? We attend a small Christian and Missionary Alliance church in our town.? <a href=http://www.cmalliance.org>http://www.cmalliance.org</a><br /><br />My family consists of my husband who was a microbiologist but is now retired, two children (daughter and son), four grandchildren, and soon to be two great grandchildren, a girl and a boy. I homeschooled my oldest granddaughter up to a senior in high school. She is now 29 years old. My oldest grandson, who is now 25; my youngest grandson, age 20; my youngest granddaughter is in seventh-grade. Our oldest granddaughter blessed us with our first great granddaughter and soon to be great grandson.? She is the cutest little one.? I love them all. <br /><br />Hosta is my favorite plant, the only plant I own. I now have 123 varieties and they all have names. I add to them each year. I love to do cross stitch, paint, scrapbook, and rubber stamping. <br /><br />I have a rare genetic lung disase called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Type ZZ) that most people have not even heard about. Most doctors may have heard of it but don't know an awful lot about it and so many times it goes misdiagnosed. Feel free to z-mail me if you want to know more about it or go to the website?<a href=http://www.alphaone.org/>http://www.alphaone.org/</a></p>
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