Elitetwig's Tomato Chilli Sauce
- Ready In:
- 20mins
- Ingredients:
- 4
- Serves:
- 425 g chopped tomatoes
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1⁄3 cup sweet chili sauce
- 2 tablespoons malt vinegar
- Combine All ingredients into a saucepan.
- Bring to the boil, reduce heat, then simmer uncovered for 10-15 minutes.
- Stir occasionally until sauce thickens. Ready.
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Quick and easy indeed. Used a part of the sauce with some mushrooms over baked chicken breast. Another part with onion, string beans and peas over rice. I can see using this sauce with potatoes, couscous and mixing with lots of different vegetables. <br/>The sauce itself is spicy but not too hot. Good basic sauce, very versatile.<br/>Thanks for posting.<br/>Made for PAC, Spring 2011.
I'm 28, married and I have a very time-consuming job as ground staff at the U.K's largest airport outside London.
I Love to bake, ever since I was a little nipper. I used to help (or should i say make a mess) my nan at every opportunity.
The good thing now is I get try out any new recipes on my husband!!
Whether it be sweets or savouries I'll give it a go. I like collecting the magazines from the supermarket as they always hide a treasure of recipe somewhere.
Recently, I have been doing some baking with a friend of mine round her house and were doing something right if 6 children wonder when I'm going to visit!
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I have a very sweet tooth..........lol.
Currently watch Food Safari, The Hairy Bikers and especially Ace of Cakes.
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