Ed's Homemade Microwave Buttery Popcorn

photo by Naal191

- Ready In:
- 7mins
- Ingredients:
- 4
- Serves:
- Pour popcorn in a paper lunch sack.
- Add oil and butter.
- Fold the top of the bag over twice (approximately 3/4" folds).
- Shake to distribute the oil.
- Place on its side on a microwave safe plate.
- Microwave on the popcorn setting (or set for 5 minutes and remove when there is 3 seconds between pops).
- Plate will be hot - use a potholder to remove it from the microwave.
- Open carefully because of steam and hot buttery spots on bag. Add salt to taste.
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This is very good and every bit as easy as the recipe says it is. I just made 2 batches. The first I made just as described below. I kept having to add minutes to the 'Popcorn' setting so the second batch, which was made for my teenage grandson and my nephew of the same age, I added a bit more oil (I used Canola oil) and sprinkled a little bit of sea salt in the bag and I set the microwave for 5 minutes. It took about 4 minutes so the 5 minute setting is much better for me with my microwave. Thank you for posting this easy to prepare and easy clean-up recipe!
Fiber artist - I enjoy weaving, spinning yarn, knitting and such. Love to garden, though that has been on the back burner as I now have a toddler and a baby keeping me busy.