Easy Saudi Kabsa (Zainab's) (Gluten Free)

"Tasty. Chicken with spiced yellow rice & a nice tomato sauce or if you are tomato free serve it with Recipe #359835 used to replace the tomato puree. Modified from http://arabicbites.blogspot.com"
photo by Vicki in CT photo by Vicki in CT
photo by Vicki in CT
photo by Outta Here photo by Outta Here
photo by gailanng photo by gailanng
Ready In:




  • Season chicken breasts with olive oil, salt and pepper, cook over high heat, turning when golden.
  • Rince basmati rice well and soak in cold water for 20 minutes.
  • Drain.
  • In a deep pan add all ingredients under rice heading, bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer covered on low for 14-20 minutes until done.
  • For the sauce stir all the ingredients under daqous heading in a medium pot.
  • Simmer until well combined over low heat adding additional liquid if needed.
  • Serve chicken breast alongside basmati rice with Daqous & a green salad.
  • Enjoy.

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  1. Yes, this is fantastic! I only had bone-in chicken thighs available (I like to use up what I have on hand). Fried it up and while the chicken was cooking prepared the rice. Used a homemade baharat mix from a recipe on this site but I don't remember which recipe it was. Prepared the sauce early in the day. Easy to make and a beautiful presentation with a splash of fresh cilantro; parsley from the garden. Served with pan grilled bell peppers of a variety of different colors and bread to scoop up the daqous. One big change: switched grape seed oil for olive oil because the former has a higher flash point for high heat cooking. Best part: ~~Tasty Dish~ approved! Reviewed for Ramadan Tag August. Making again soon! Thank you.
  2. This was absolutley fantastic! For the Eastern Mixed spice I used a dash each of: cumin, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper. The tomato sauce was perfection. I did use an Egyption packaged rice mix and left the chicken thick cut instead of pounding out. Thanks for posting a quick and easy dish that still manages to have a great complex layering of flavors.
  3. i used bone in chicken breasts with a little water on bottom to cook sprinkled spices librally on top this was amazing used rice with carrots and pine nuts since ive been wanting to try really good
  4. So easy and very delicious! I used chicken thighs, sprinkled with recipe #79179, and baked. Used the same spice (I keep it for cooking chicken with) in the rice and sauce, and your recipe #369025, which I also keep on hand. The sauce is very easy, and I may double the amount of spices in it next time. Thanks for another keeper, UmmBinat!
  5. I didn't realize that I liked so many gluten-free foods...gluten free sauteed chicken and a spicy gluten-free tomato sauce with a side of aromatic gluten-free rice...and I washed it all down with gluten-free bottled water. A splendid gluten-free dish made for Best of 2010 Recipe Tag.


  1. Yes, this is fantastic! I only had bone-in chicken thighs available (I like to use up what I have on hand). Fried it up and while the chicken was cooking prepared the rice. Used a homemade baharat mix from a recipe on this site but I don't remember which recipe it was. Prepared the sauce early in the day. Easy to make and a beautiful presentation with a splash of fresh cilantro; parsley from the garden. Served with pan grilled bell peppers of a variety of different colors and bread to scoop up the daqous. One big change: switched grape seed oil for olive oil because the former has a higher flash point for high heat cooking. Best part: ~~Tasty Dish~ approved! Reviewed for Ramadan Tag August. Making again soon! Thank you.


<p> <div class=message-body>Free of gluten, corn, (including xanthan gum &amp; sorghum flour commonly used in gluten free products), milk, soy, yeast, &amp; peanuts.<br /><br />All GMO (genetically modified organisms) &amp; chemicals.<br /><br />Only halal which includes not consuming intoxicants such as alcohol &amp; nutmeg. I also do not buy cream of tartar as it is a product of the wine industry.</div> <div class=message-body></div> </p> <p><img src=http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z205/jubespage/ZaarBanners/HealthyChoicesParticipant_zps8b2b7801.jpg alt= width=300 height=150 /></p> <p><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/AdoptedSpring2012.jpg alt= width=227 height=244 /></p> <p><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/PACSpring2012.jpg alt= width=227 height=228 /></p> <p><img title=nuts tag src=http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww293/Lalaloula/Banners/Banner3Kopie-10-1.jpg alt=nuts tag width=400 height=133 /></p> <p><img title=Almost5TagGame src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v726/annacia/Permanent%20Banners/almost-5-sm.jpg alt=Almost5 width=275 height=94 /></p> <p><img title=PRMR Love it src=http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj81/HokiesLady65/Banners/PRMR_PBanner.jpg alt=PRMR width=299 height=182 /></p> <p><img title=Veggie Swap July 2011 src=http://i.imgur.com/RSvWL.jpg alt=Veggie Swap July 2011 width=300 height=100 /></p> <p><span style=font-family: arial; 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