Easy Good Homemade Hot Dog Buns

"WAY better than the mushy store-bought ones!!! Had that frozen bread dough in the freezer and thought...why not? Ha! They came out GREAT!! 1 loaf made 6 large buns, too!!! DH LOVED these! Guess I'm going to be making them "homemade" from now on! LOL! This "recipe" is more for the directions...not much to it, but GOOOOOD!"
photo by Wildflour photo by Wildflour
photo by Wildflour
photo by Marsha D. photo by Marsha D.
Ready In:
6 buns


  • 1 loaf frozen bread dough, I used a cheap brand but you could use Rhodes
  • 3 tablespoons melted butter, more if needed
  • poppy seed (optional)


  • The night before, tightly wrap 1 frozen loaf bread dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  • Next morning, unwrap and cut loaf lengthwise down center.
  • Cut each long piece into 3 equal sections making 6 equal pieces total.
  • Pinch cut edges together so buns will eventually come out smooth, and roll into small ropes. *They should be about the size of a cooked hotdog.
  • Place on greased cookie sheet.
  • Brush with half the melted butter.
  • Cover lightly with plastic wrap, sealing the edges of the plastic wrap to the cookie sheet so that no air gets inside.
  • Let rise in warm place til doubled. (Mine took about 2 1/2 hours.).
  • Lightly brush each with rest of melted butter and sprinkle with poppy seeds if desired.
  • Bake in 350º oven for about 20 minutes til golden brown. You may want to turn your cookie sheet around half-way through baking for even browning of your buns.
  • Cool on wire rack for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Cut open with SHARP serrated knife.

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  1. Couldn't find poppyseed buns aywhere, found this site, and WOW, were they ever good. Easy to make and now we are the envy of the neighborhood. True Chicago Dogs served hot ON THE BUN!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful and easy recipe. BradnMary
  2. I wasn't able to find frozen bead dough at my grocery store, they only seem to sell rolls, biscuits, and Texas toast. I opted for the Rhodes rolls and they were great! I rolled the dough to hot-dog length, they were a little small but covered enough of the hot-dog, I wasn't complaining. Who doesn't like fresh baked bread??!!
  3. This is a wonderful idea using frozen bread dough. It can be made for not only hot dog buns but for bread sticks, hamburger buns etc.. Its quick and easy too! Thanks so much Peacefulnightdove for sharing this great idea.
  4. I used a loaf of frozen dough to make hamburger buns at the beach when we were cleaning out the freezer - works great and makes huge buns.


Hello! Former caterer and restaurant owner taking life slower now and just enjoying photographing my food creations and blogging them! Pop on over to my blog to see over 800 of my recipes at Wildflour's Cottage Kitchen @ wildflourskitchen.com !
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