Easy Buttercream Frosting

photo by CookingONTheSide

- Ready In:
- 10mins
- Ingredients:
- 4
- Yields:
2 cups
- Serves:
- 16
- 3 cups powdered sugar (icing)
- 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- In a small bowl, using an electric mixer on low speed, beat together sugar, butter and salt until creamy. Increase speed to high and beat until light and fully. Add vanilla, beating until frosting is smooth.
- Spread icing on cooled cupcakes or cake with a knife or transfer to a pastry bag and pipe decoratively over cake or cupcakes.
- Makes enough for over 16 cupcakes.
This is wonderful frosting! I've never made a buttercream frosting without using milk. This recipe worked perfectly. The consistency would be perfect for anyone wanting to decorate cakes. I would also say that this is the type of frosting that many would say it's not the "sickening sweet" frosting. Of course for me, I can never have enough sugar. :) Thanks for sharing. Made for the 8th Annual Photo Swap.
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Canadian girl that loves to cook for herself and for everyone around her!! I always enjoyed cooking but more so since I started taking better care of myself by eating healthier food (I am a Weight Watchers Lifetime member!). I still love my chocolate though!
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