Easy Acorn Squash

"This has evolved as my mum's favourite method and we ALWAYS want more than is cooked! Freshly ground black pepper is a must; fresh herbs are lovely when available. ;-)"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1hr 5mins




  • Heat oven to 400 Cut acorn squash in half.
  • Scoop out seeds using an ice cream scoop, sharp spoon, or melon baller.
  • Spread butter on cut edges and insides of each half.
  • Place halves on baking sheet (lined with foil, if you wish).
  • Sprinkle sugar inside each half.
  • Scatter in each small amount of salt, greater amt.of pepper and desired herbs.
  • Bake for one hour.
  • (Freshly grated nutmeg and a pinch of cinnamon is nice. Thyme is nice with nutmeg or by itself.).

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  1. This was a very nice blend of flavors! Thank you for the spice suggestions. I sprinkled nutmeg and cinnamon on after the salt and pepper. I did, however, cook the squash a bit differently. I cut them in half, lined a rimmed pan with foil, and filled it with 1/4 inches of water. I seeded and baked the squash at 400, cut-side down, for 35 minutes. Then I took it out, turned the halves over (keeping the water in the pan), and followed your directions for flavoring/seasoning with butter, brown sugar, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and cinnamon, putting the squash back in for 10 min. (or until the sugar had melted). They came out tender, and delicious! Thanks for posting!
  2. This is pretty much the same recipe I've used for years. The only difference is I put a nice pork chop (salt and peppered) on top of the squash, and wrap in foil. The flavor of the pork chop going into the squash is just awesome.
  3. This is great! I made it with the cinnamon and nutmeg and a little extra brown sugar :) Made for PAC Spring '11!
  4. DEEEEEElish!! Mmmmm, I really liked this! I did reduce the butter to 1 T. and used the sugar, pepper, salt, and cinnamon. I may add a bit more sugar next time since it was so yummy!! Thanks so much for sharing! :O)
  5. Fabulous! I've never made acorn squash before and this was so good. My whole family ate it up!!


<p>Genealogy is a relative form of study. :-)</p> <p>My <span style=color: #008080;><strong>grandmothers</strong></span> inspired me to cook: &nbsp;<span style=color: #0000ff;><strong><span style=text-decoration: underline;>One to plan</span></strong></span> tools and ingredients, follow recipes and pursue excellence; <span style=color: #ff0000;><strong><span style=text-decoration: underline;>the other to</span></strong></span> abandon fear and <span style=color: #ff0000;><strong><span style=text-decoration: underline;>improvise</span></strong></span> with what's at hand, with mixed results.</p> <p>More than anyone else, i am <span style=color: #00ccff;><strong>motivated by my mother's willingness to try</strong></span> any recipe, born from having been launched into adulthood early and without much more than a Grade Nine Home Ec. class in which Melba Toast was made from scratch.</p>
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