Dry Fried Mee Siam (Spicy and Tangy Siamese Noodles)

"A dish that's very very popular in S'pore n Malaysia :)"
photo by tunasushi photo by tunasushi
photo by tunasushi
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  • Bring the 2 cups of water to a boil and add the prawns,removing them as soon as they are cooked.Put them in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. When cooled, peel the prawns and leave aside for garnishing.
  • Blend garlic, shallots, preserved soy beans, dried prawns, dried chillies, candlenuts, lemongrass and shrimp paste into a paste.
  • Fry paste in 1/3 cup oil, till fragrant.Add tamarind juice and 1 cup of stock from cooking the prawns.Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes.
  • Add noodles and stir-fry. Mix in tofu and toss well. Add sugar, pepper, fish sauce and a squeeze of lime juice.
  • Lastly add in the beansprouts and the chives toss until breansprouts and chives are just limp.

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my flickr page: http://flickr.com/photos/tunasushi Hey there! Thanks for stopping by to look @ my profile :) I'll be 15 on the 11th of September 2006....Ive been using Zaar for quite a while now and I've made tons of friends so far...... I started cooking when I was umm....12 and a half and Ive been in love with it ever since...My first project was the classic batch of brownies. I used a pan that was too big and I got really really flat brownies.....For the frosting I used granulated sugar and had crunchy frosting haha..... Ive gotten much better since then! I tend to get discouraged very easily if something I make does not come out like it was expected to....I can even get depressed over it..... I have plans on going to Le Courdon Bleu Sydney in mid 2008 and completing the Grand Diploma there...... This is my cat Kiara. I found her in the backyard when I was 10, and I started feeding her toast and grape jelly. She's on a normal cat's diet now haha. <img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/tunasushi/kiaraaaa.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"> This is Pluto, and sadly he went missing just before Christmas.... <img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/tunasushi/PlutO.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"> The small pic is when I was 4, and the other is a recent pic :) <img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/tunasushi/ff.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"> <img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/tunasushi/meme.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"> Lookin a bit mad...hehe
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